Tag Archives: Pupils

MCHS – Developing The Young Workforce Event Evaluations

Event Evaluations

If you and your child are attending our Developing the Young Workforce event this evening (Thursday 16 November) please click on the relevant link below to complete our Developing the Young Workforce Event Evaluation for Parents.

Parental – click here

It would also be very helpful if you could forward this message to your child, who also attended the event, and ask them to click on the relevant link to the Evaluation for Pupils.

Pupil – click here

Both Evaluations will be open from

6.30 pm Thursday 16 November –  6.30 pm Thursday 23 November

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Evaluations.

DYW Career Evening (S2, S4, S5)

Our Developing the Young Workforce Career Evening will take place on Thursday 16th November from 6.30-8pm. Over 40 speakers have signed up to talk to pupils and parents/carers about a range of different careers including:

• Law
• Medicine
• Hair and Beauty
• Engineering
• Construction
• Teaching
• Accountancy
• Health
• Journalism
• Science
• Computing
• Business
• Fashion and Retail
• Design

There will also be a session delivered by Skills Development Scotland on how to create an effective CV.

You can sign up to attend three presentations during the event and have the chance to hear about a range of jobs, as well as ask questions. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! More details will be given to pupils at assemblies next week. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Houstoun or Mr Gooch.

Lockers – New S5 and New S6

New S5 and New S6 Pupils
Pupils in the New S5 and New S6 are required to clear their current lockers by the end of this term to allow space for the New S1 to be allocated lockers when they arrive in August. New S5 and New S6 pupils will also be allocated new lockers in August.

Pupils should return their locker key to the school office by the end of term at which time their £10 deposit will be returned. Any lockers that are not emptied by the end of term will be emptied during the summer break and their contents retained for collection in August.  Any pupil who does not return their locker key by the end of term will not receive their £10 deposit as this will be used to purchase a new key.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Mr Smith

S1 Sports Day

The whole of S1 attended Sports Day at Linwood yesterday.   Congratulations to all of the pupils who won medals and to the year-group as a whole for taking part so enthusiastically throughout the day.  You were a credit to our school!

Thank you to all of the staff who helped with supervision, our S3 helpers  and to our wonderful PE department for organising such a fantastic day out.  Look out for more pictures of the day on the plasma screens in the Open Area.

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Interested In Studying Law?

The legal firm Ashurst would like to welcome up to 20 young people to visit their offices in Glasgow on Monday 29th February from 9.30-11.30am. This session will be of interest to any S4-6 pupil who is interested in studying law.  Full details can be found by accessing the Eventbrite link below:


The session will explore:

  • The Legal Profession and Ashurst
  • Career Options; Legal Analyst, Legal Technologist, Compliance Officer and Trainee
  • Recruitment and Securing Employment
  • Career choice ‘Our advice to you’ presentation – Presentation from those currently in the Legal Analyst, Legal Technologist, Compliance Officer and future trainee position
  • Culture and CSR at Ashurst
  • Questions
  • Tour

If you are interested in attending, please see your Pupil Support teacher or Miss McLachlan as soon as possible.