Tag Archives: Parents

Road Accidents

PC Cunningham has been made aware (not just pupils from this school) that there has been an increase in road accidents where children have walked out in front of vehicles having failed to look or listen, the latter usually due to headphones being worn by pupils.  Without wishing to state the obvious , this can have potentially serious consequences.

Please be aware whilst crossing road.

Christmas Jumper Fund Raiser

Mr Moghul in the Mathematics department was judged to be wearing the ‘best’ Christmas Jumper on Monday

Mr Moghul being presented with his scroll by Kate Jarvie

The Jumper competition was part of a series of events that took place on Monday to raise money for the Save the Children Typhoon Appeal.

The event was organised by Kate Jarvie of S2. As well as wearing of Christmas jumpers Kate organised a bake sale, lunchtime sing-a-long and best class Christmas jumper competitions.

As far over £860 has been raised.  A great BIG well done and thanks to all who contributed especially Kate for arranging the day.

Library Bookfair

The bookfair continues in the library this week until Thursday 5 Dec. There are over 200 new book titles to choose from as well as posters, pencils, bookmarks and other stationery.

The bookfair will be open before school every day from 8.30am, also every lunchtime at 12.55pm and after school until 4pm.

Pupils from all year groups are welcome to visit the bookfair during these times.