Tag Archives: Eco

Eco-Schools Scotland 1,500 Green Flag Award

Today Mearns Castle was awarded the 1,500th Scottish Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The flag was raised today by Scottish Government Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, Dr Alasdair Allan MSP.

Derek A. Robertson, Keep Scotland Beautiful Chief Executive and members of Mearns Castle's Eco committee.

Mr Smith said at the ceremony  ‘We are very proud to receive our green flag and in particular to be the recipient of 1,500th in Scotland.  Our school and the schools who have received flags before us have shown commitment and determination in being more environmentally friendly in our actions.

‘The Green Flag and Eco-Schools initiative and the great deal of work carried out in schools are helping to change attitudes towards the environment and you can see new generations coming through who care more and do more for their local and global environment. I’m very proud of Mearns Castle’s achievements and of the pupils and staff who have worked so hard to gain our school the 1,500th Green Flag’.

Scottish Government Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, Dr Alasdair Allan MSP speaking at the ceremony.

Members of the Eco committee saluting the Eco flag

Click here to see more pictures from the event.

Eco Project

Could all old and new Eco Project members please meet with Miss Ferguson in room E3 today (Monday) at 12:30pm. Important information about Wednesday’s ministerial visit and presentation of the 1500th Green Flag will be given.

Green Flag

Congratulations to Mearns Castle on achieving the Eco Schools Green Flag- a prestigious international award!

This would not have been possible without the whole school working together. A special thanks to all the pupils who helped on the day with the assessors visit especially the eco committee who guided the assessors through their visit.

 Look out for the Green Flag flying outside the school very soon!

S2 ECO Event

S2 Pupils will be involved in an Environmental Project in order to help the school achieve its Green Flag.
Part of this Interdisciplinary event will involve pupils using materials that can be recycled (Items you would put in your recycling bin at home). In order to have enough materials pupils are asked to bring in materials that can be recycled such as cereal boxes, kitchen roll tubes, plastic containers (providing they are washed before they are brought into school).
House points are up for grabs so please make sure you bring in materials to help your house. The event will take place on the 13th October so ensure items are brought to Mr Hutchison before the 10th October.
If you have any questions please speak with Miss Ferguson or Mr Hutchison.

Bin it to Win it

‘Bin it to Win it’ is back! Members of the Eco project will be selecting random bins on random days of the week to supervise. They will select a number e.g. 10 and if you are the 10th person to put your rubbish in the bin while it is being supervised you will win a queue jump for you and a friend as well as 5 house points.  Remember, you have to BIN IT TO WIN IT!