Category Archives: Uncategorized

PTA Quiz Night – Thank You

Many thanks to all those who attended our recent PTA Quiz night, making it our most successful to date. Nearly £1200 was raised from the event and a great night was had by all. A huge thank you to the PTA team and Jennifer, Rebecca and Justin for all of their hard work in making the event possible. Thanks also for the very generous raffle donations that allow us to raise even more money on the night.

Finally thanks to the Janitorial team and the Office staff for their behind the scenes work.

The money raised will be utilised fully by the school over the coming year providing much needed financial support for departments and special events. Thank you and we hope to see you all next year!”




Admission – Transfer Arrangements

Pupil Consultation – New Admissions policy

Over the course of this week the pupil leadership team will be carrying out a series of consultations with pupils explaining the new admissions policy for schools within East Renfrewshire. Any pupil wishing to be included in the consultation process should speak to Mr Hale or their Year Head. Information about the new policy will be displayed around the school (plasma screens) and on the school website.

Please click here to read presentation