Category Archives: Uncategorized

University of Glasgow Scholarships for 2016 entrants

The University of Glasgow are currently looking for applications for the University of Glasgow Talent Scholarships for 2016 entrants to the University of Glasgow. The deadline for applications is Friday 6 May. Successful applicants will receive a scholarship of between £1,000 and £4,000 each year of their degree. Applications should be made via the online form at the link below:


Mearns House Competition

In Summer 2016 Mearns House will open across from our school on Waterfoot Road.  It is a state of the art care home for the elderly.  The new development will include a café, which will also be open to the general public.

Pupils at Mearns Castle have been invited to take part in a competition to name the café.  The winning entry will receive an Ipad mini and will also have their idea used as the café name.

To access an entry form for the competition click here or collect one from your Year Head.  All entries should be passed to Miss McLachlan by Friday 6th May.  Good luck!