Black and Minority Ethnic families! – Exploring Autistic sensory needs and Ramadan / holiday Burnout

“A great opportunity to learn, and ask any questions you may have… in a safe, nurturing space using Ramadan and yearly holidays to explore Autistic sensory needs and burnout, and the impact that this may have on your Autistic loved one.”


We are delighted to announce the fourth in our series of ZOOM webinars for families and carers of Autistic people – hosted by The Autistic Collective, featuring Sofia Akbar and Laura Bilton from Scottish Ethnic Minority Autistics (SEMA). 


This webinar for East Renfrewshire Carers Centre will continue our series describing what it is like to be a minority ethnic autistic person in Scotland, from two autistic minority ethnic people


Please join us on Tuesday the 21st of February, 7.00 – 9.00pm for a discussion using Ramadan and yearly holidays to explore Autistic sensory needs and burnout, and the impact that this may have on your Autistic loved one. 


To get your ZOOM link, please email or


From East Renfrewshire Carers Centre, SEMA and The Autistic Collective