FAO of pupils applying to Oxford or Cambridge

Dear All,

We hope you are keeping well during these difficult times. In the absence of in-person access events at the moment, we thought we would draw your attention to the free Q&A event hosted by ‘InsideUni’ this Saturday the 13th of June specifically for Scottish students. More details about InsideUni (www.insideuni.org) and the event are included below.

The InsideUni website is free and compiles advice from around 2,000 Oxford and Cambridge students. So far, it has been used by 20,000 people across 129 countries, and has been recognised by the University of Cambridge via press release and social media. Cambridge and Oxford are recognisably different in their application processes and in how they are perceived as universities. Insight into this from current students can both help ‘demystify’ and reassure students that they have the potential to apply and attend Oxbridge.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, InsideUni has been running a series of initiatives to reach out to prospective students who are no longer able to attend Open Days and Summer schools due to cancellations. Despite both universities making concerted efforts to make resources for applicants available online, such as virtual Open Days, applicants are unavoidably missing out on the chance to meet with current students, ask questions and get a feel for the Oxbridge student experience. To enable applicants to do this, we have been running a live Q&A series via YouTube. Each session covers a topic related to applying to Oxbridge, from subject-specific sessions on Humanities and STEM subjects, to sessions aimed at applicant groups who are underrepresented in higher education, such as first-generation students and black students.

Our next Q&A is specifically aimed at students from Scotland, covering a range of Scottish specific issues & queries such as tuition fees, advanced highers & the distance! It will be at 4pm on Saturday, hosted over YouTube, and students can submit questions in advance via this form: https://forms.gle/5s4NCFVfCrHtpHCD6

And this is the link to the event once it goes live: https://youtu.be/IQOXN_Yah-M

There’s also this information on social media. This is a link to the facebook post – https://www.facebook.com/insideuni.org/photos/a.2201409100138130/2674249266187442/?type=3&theater.

Some more information about InsideUni:

As well as our Q&A series, our website features a range of resources which we feel might be helpful for your students. The website has two main features: interview testimonies and subject and course guides. The testimonies have been submitted by past and present Oxbridge students from different subjects and colleges. These reflect a wide range of interview experiences, while also providing context and advice for potential applicants.

The subject and course guides are also student-written and feature links to free subject-specific resources. These can be used to prepare a strong application to any university, and to explore subject options.

We are also working on a third, more general section: these guides direct applicants to resources such as free mentorship schemes, scholarships and university outreach programmes.

We hope the above information is useful for you and your students. If you have any questions specifically concerning the event then please email fmmm2@cam.ac.uk.