Duke of Edinburgh Award (Message from Mrs Ward)

Due to the current circumstances, there are changes for completing awards, as a result of the current situation.

-You can CHANGE the section activities you are doing. Just record the time you did for the first activity, then start a new activity log.
-Volunteering-You are now allowed to help family members. This can include household chores, mentoring, or coaching younger siblings. Organising activities for them.
-Skill-There are many online skill courses e.g learning a language, art, sign language, reading, cooking or helping make something for the garden.
-Physical-You can go for a half an hour walk twice a week or undertake an online exercise programme.

For an assessor just put down my name (Mrs Ward) as I am now allowed to fill in assessor reports. Please remember to fill in what you are doing online and take pictures doing your new activities.
Should you have any queries remember there is a Duke of Edinburgh Google Classroom- code: fatyjcq

Thank you
