Red Thistle Need your vote

redThistleYou loved the MCHS scarves created by Red Thistle, now love the company and promote Mearns Castle across Scotland.

The People’s Choice Award as part of the national Young Enterprise Awards competition has been opened for public votes. This is an opportunity for you to support your Red Thistle YES team who are representing the school at this prestigious national event. It is so easy to take part.

Use the link below or Google search for ‘Daily Record People’s Choice Awards’  then simply click on the Red Thistle button at the bottom of the page. PLEASE VOTE for  Red Thistle NOW & Tomorrow & the next day & every day until votes close next Wednesday.

Then send a link or voting request to all your face book and twitter friends asking them to support your team and school. We are in it, but we need your help to win it, Vote now!
