Yep (area) 51 sci-fi books to read before you are beamed up by little green wo/men.
Got any more to add?
Yep (area) 51 sci-fi books to read before you are beamed up by little green wo/men.
Got any more to add?
Wonder where to go with dytopian fiction?
Why not have a look at some of the suggestions here?
It’s OK to take some time out to take care of yourself. All work and no play is not healthy.
Grab a cuppa and a biccy and see if any of these books might just be the kind of thing you need right now.
Let me know if there are any other titles you would like to see on the powerpoint or if you would like me to keep any titles aside for when we get back.
Take care, Mrs Baird
Looking for some great fiction?
Why not click female voice to get suggestions about all sorts of fiction and non-fiction female characters and authors?
Let me know if you want to add in anything.
Take care,
Mrs Baird
If you are studying World War 2 or even if you are simply interested in the time period. Why not have a look at this power point? There are lots of resources out there and it can often be hard to find good ones. I have included some of the best available from the library.
Do you have a favourite book, graphic novel or even moie that you think should be included? Let me know and I will add it in.
Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres, often dealing with very difficult issues, it can get you into the mindset of another place and time and develop empathy and understanding.
Take care,
Mrs Baird
Looking for more Space information – take a look here
Did you know?
NASA astronaut Mike Massimino missed pizza so much he ordered some on his way back to Earth.
What is an astronauts favourite key on the keyboard?
The space bar!
Feel free to use the powerpoint to read around your Civil Rights topic.
Do you have any books your think I should add in?
What movies might you include?
What song did you find the most inspiring?
Let me know and I can add in your ideas.
Take care, Mrs Baird