Tag Archives: Parent Groups

Let’s Play

Let’s Play Session

I will be running a range of parent workshops over the summer holidays (limited places still available) and on Monday will host a pre-engagement session for interested parents.

The session will run on Monday afternoon from 1.30 – 3.00 at Eastwood Park. Please bring wellie boots for river walking and a change of clothes! If anybody has NOT signed up to the workshops, but fancies coming along to join in and find out more, please feel free to join us.

Let’s Play

A coffee and cake date has been set for Thursday 29th March for any parents who may be interested in coming along to our new ‘Let’s Play’ programme.

Let’s Play is as it reads…..all about play and the importance of playing with your child.

For parents that are interested, I will be following up with a play session over the Easter holidays. This will be a half day play session on Friday 6th April, no costs are involved and you can bring along older or younger siblings!

In July, I will be offering three more no cost play sessions, again siblings are welcome. On these sessions, parents spend time participating in fun and interactive workshops whilst the children (including siblings of any age) play in the playroom/outdoor area before joining together for half hour play at the end of the session.

There are information leaflets on the ‘PoPP’ table in the foyer – please help yourself and speak to me if you are interested.

‘PoPP In’ Day: Thursday 7th September

Are you looking after yourself as a parent? Do you feel you have a strong relationship with your child? Would you like to try out different behaviour techniques and special ways of dealing with more difficult behaviour through play? 

If you answer yes to any of the above then please come along to Donna’s ‘PoPP In’ session on Thursday 7th September at 9am or 1pm to find out more about the Psychology of Parenting Project. 

Donna is trained in delivering the Psychology of Parenting Project and can talk you through what the course entails, answering any questions you may have. 

Courses are fully booked at the moment (it’s proving extremely ‘PoPPular’) however recruitment for groups starting in the New Year is ongoing. 

For more information on what PoPP can do for you, come along to PoPP In!


IMFC Yearly Planner

Please click on the link below to view a copy of our new yearly planner for 2017 – 2018.

We have tried really hard to establish all the dates 100% however please be aware the dates could possibly be subject to change given any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. 

Printed ‘fridge friendly’ versions are available from the foyer. 

We hope you find this useful….let us know what you think!

IMFC Year Planner 17-18

MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off event today!

As you can see, we hade a super Bake Off with parents and grandparents joining in on the action!

Sandra’s lemon drizzle was just divine and Lorraine’s home made jam…..yuuummmmyyy!

Thank you to all supporters of the event – those who baked, those who made a monetary donation and those who came along on the day. Many Thanks.

Grand Total Raised by Isobel Mair Family Centre:


Eat Better Feel Better Programme

Donna has recently met with Katrina McFarlane, Health Improvement Practitioner to discuss the possibility of delivering a short course based around the development of practical food related skills with children and families.

Provisional arrangements have been made to bring in a community chef who will deliver a programme suitable for children young people and/or families to incorporate behaviour change strategies.

This is a great opportunity for parents who have children who are commonly classed as being ‘faddy eaters’ to come together, chat and share ideas about how to rebalance and regain control with healthier eating within the family.

Key areas of the short course include key healthy eating messages and recommendations, reading food labels, how to improve diet by reducing sugar, fat and salt intake, improving cooking methods and reducing convenience foods/choosing healthier options.

The 6 week programme will hopefully begin in January – a great healthy start to the New Year.  Please speak to Donna if you would like to note an interest in this group.

Healthier choices

Christmas Fayre 2015

Thank you to all parents who supported last night’s Christmas Fayre. We had so many parents who donated items for the tombola, bottle stall, home baking and handmade items for us to sell at our table so many thanks to all!

It was a wonderful evening with a fantastic turn out despite the torrential rain, many thanks for coming along.

Here are a few pictures.


East Renfrewshire Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategy

As part of East Renfrewshire HSCP engagement stakeholder strategy, Val Tiernay has been asked to facilitate two focus groups with local parents whose children have communication/autistic spectrum disorders. The purpose of the focus group is to seek the views of local parents to help influence the development of East Renfrewshire’s ASD strategy.

Val will be hosting the meetings on Friday 27th November at 9.15am and again at 1.15pm. The IMFC parents room has been booked out as the venue for the day.

Please come along and share your views.