Tag Archives: Lamba

Childsmile at IMFC

Starting from Academic year 2016/2017 consent for toothbrushing is no longer required.

Childsmile is a national programme designed to improve the oral health of children in Scotland. Research tells us that brushing at least twice per day with fluoride toothpaste can help prevent tooth decay.

To support this, Childsmile has developed a national daily supervised toothbrushing programme to take place in the nursery or school setting, in addition to brushin at home.

For more information please visit www.child-smile.org

Letters will be issued home to all parents today with information about the programme and about ‘negative consent’. Your child will be enrolled in the toothbrushing programme automatically at IMFC. You do not need to do anything.

HOWEVER, if you DO NOT WISH YOUR CHILD TO TAKE PART in the Childsmile programme, we would ask that you kindly put this in writing. You can of course change your mind at any point thereafter.

If you have any further questions please contact the Childsmile Team on 0141 211 9590.




Tomorrow – Wednesday 10th August 2016 – will be the last day of our extended service at Isobel Mair Family Centre.

In Service Days are Thursday 11th and Friday 12th August – the Family Centre will be closed.

We will be ready to welcome back returning children on Monday 15th August at the usual session times of 8.50/9.00 or 12.50/1pm.

New children have been allocated specific times and dates for their first day. If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the Family Centre.



Primary School Registration Week

Please be advised primary school registration week will take place from Monday 12th to Friday 16th January 2015, between 1.30 and 3.30pm.

For information from the Director of Education please click the following link:

Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter 2014-2015

If you need to discuss any aspect of school registration please speak to our Teacher Elizabeth McConnell who will be happy to help.

In addition, Mrs McConnell will be hosting a Coffee and Chat session on Wednesday 7th January (9am or 1pm) to answer any question re school registration.

Christmas Jumper Day at IMFC!

Today we wore our Christmas themed jumpers to help raise awareness and help to transform lives around the world – from children caught up in conflict in countries like Syria, to families living in the shadow of the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

We have collected just over £100.00 for the charity and we will let you know the grand total as soon as all donations are collected.

Here are some photographs from the day!

Christmas Open Day

Please drop in to nursery on Thursday 4th December to spend a time with your child as they complete a special Christmas gift they have made just for you!

Children across all playrooms have been busy preparing for the open day and it would be so lovely to see parents, friends and carers come along to join us – we might even have a mince pie for you!

We appreciate many parents work and will not be able to join us for this day. Please do not worry, all children will participate in the activities on the day.

Coffee and Chat Sessions

Please ensure you come along for our upcoming Coffee and Chat Sessions.

The sessions provide a great opportunity to chat with your child’s key worker, have a look at the learning taking place within the play rooms and catch up on what your child has been doing within the FC.

Next Dates are:

Tuesday 11th November with Miss Erskine for all our Balta and Lamba playroom children
Wednesday 12th November with Miss McAnally for all our Texa children.

Please come along.