Tag Archives: Helpers

25 Days of Kindness

Our ’25 Days of Kindness’ has drawn to a close today after 5 weeks of planning and implementation. The children have had a truly wonderful learning experience and can readily share their learning about the importance of giving to others.

Children have had opportunities throughout this time to talk about children and their families who may not have enough food to sustain them. The children have discovered this is true for our neighbours in East Renfrewshire as well as for children and families in far away countries.

Thank you so much for your support in this learning experience. Here are some photographs of the children delivering the items to St. Andrews Church Foodbank in Barrhead.





MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off event today!

As you can see, we hade a super Bake Off with parents and grandparents joining in on the action!

Sandra’s lemon drizzle was just divine and Lorraine’s home made jam…..yuuummmmyyy!

Thank you to all supporters of the event – those who baked, those who made a monetary donation and those who came along on the day. Many Thanks.

Grand Total Raised by Isobel Mair Family Centre:


Helpers Required!

We are hoping some parents would like to offer a little helping hand on the day of our Nativity performance at Newton Mearns Baptist Church, Friday 11th December.

We are planning to  leave the Family Centre with the morning children at 9.30am and at 1pm with the afternoon children and although only a short walk, many hands make light work!

If you are able to assist in walking with the children, please let Donna or Aileen know and we will add your name to our parent helper list.

If you are unable to help on this occasion but would like to offer help in other ways, please let us know – there are always jobs to be done!

Many Thanks.


Come and help on BIG DAY DAY!

Children attending Isobel Mair Family Centre have access to a variety of outdoor spaces including the large playground with hill and forest area, pirate ship, sensory garden, outdoor atrium and adventure trail.

Children love to play and learn outdoors and the spaces we create and use can help to support children’s play in so many ways…….from helping children to be creative and expressive to helping support problem solving and risk analysis.

Our outdoor area is already really good, however…..we want it to be excellent!

For this to happen we need YOU to help!

Come along to our BIG DIG DAY on Tuesday 17th June.

Bring any unwanted seeds, bulbs, bedding plants or compost, spare fencing, unused patio slabs or gardening tools.


Just bring yourself!

The more the merrier…..remember, this is your children’s play space!

Let’s make it the best it can be.

‘People Who Help Us’ – Can you help?

Children in our Cara playroom have been developing their skills across various areas of Curriculum for Excellence through the introduction of ’People Who Help Us’.

Relating to the Social Studies area of Curriculum fro Excellence; children are beginning to explore and investigate the roles people, shops and services play in the community with Miss March who has recently taken some groups of children to our local Waitrose. Children investigated money and the vital and important role of shop staff. Children also developed skills in numeracy and literacy as they wrote out their own shopping list and proceeded to count out and weigh items in store.

 Miss Gaffney is supporting children as they begin to develop aspects of Health and Wellbeing. Children are sharing their thoughts and ideas in relation to describing the roles and responsibilities of people in the wider community, such as the doctor, police and lollipop services.

 We will observe and see how the learning develops in response to children’s thoughts over the coming weeks.

Can you help?

To further support children’s learning – it would be wonderful to have a variety of parent’s share their skills and talk about their job with the children. Perhaps you are a florist? You could share your creative skills with the children and tell them about what floristry involves. Perhaps you are a dentist, a police officer or a lorry driver…..what ever your skill….the children will be very interested to hear from you!

If you can give up half an hour of your time, it would be very much appreciated! Speak to Miss Gaffney if you are interested in coming along to the Family Centre to share your knowledge!