Tag Archives: Fundraising

Welly Waddle Fundraising Event

All parents should have been given an information letter and accompanying sponsor form this week.

If not, please collect from the front desk in our foyer.

For more information on our Welly Waddle plans please click below:

WellyWaddle Sponsor Letter

Welly Waddle Sponsor Form

Ladies Night Success!

As you know, last Friday night the staff at IMFC hosted a Ladies Night event as a fundraiser for the Family Centre.

The evening was a ROARING success with everyone enjoying the stalls, dancing along to top DJ Tony’s tunes and playing an assortment of games.

Photo’s are displayed in our foyer and all raffle prizes have now gone to their rightful owner!

Feedback from the parent’s who attended has been very positive with many parents asking how soon we will be hosting another event!

The staff would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all who attended on the night, bought raffle tickets, handed in prizes and wished us well for the night.

The money is still rolling in the door as people who were unable to attend wish to make their own monetary contribution, however I am delighted to let you know that at last count the total was sitting close to a FANTASTIC


Well done to Siobhan Barron and Zoe McNeill who planned and organised the event and thanks to all other staff for their support.

Ladies Night Fundraiser

Please support the Family Centre by coming along to our upcoming Ladies Night Fundraiser……click on the link to find out more!

Ladies Night Fundraiser for IMFC!

Come and meet new people, chat with other mums, grandmas, child minders!

You can have a dance, or even start your Christmas shopping!

Enter the raffle over the coming weeks for a chance to win one or more of our AMAZING prizes!

If you think you could donate a raffle prize, or support the event in any other way – please speak to Fundraising Co-Ordinator Siobhan Barron (Blue Group Keyworker in Cara Playroom) Siobhan will be more than happy to speak to you!

Rescheduled Parent Committee

Unfortunatley last week’s parent committee meeting had to be rescheduled due to circumstances outwith our control.

The meeting has now been rescheduled. Please come along to our first Parent Committee meeting of the year.

The meeting is open to all parents and carers and we will discuss many aspects of the FC development including fundraising etc.

Committee meetings will be held on Thursday 27th March at 9.15am and again at 1.15pm.

All welcome.

World Book Day

Thank you to all children and parents who participated in our World Book Day events this week as part of Literacy Week. Thank you for your kind contributions for the World Book Aid charity, much appreciated.

On Thursday, some of our morning session children went to Waitrose with Mrs. McConnell to purchase items discussed in our themed story – ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ Although some children were just a little disappointed we were not having the Caterpillar’s Saturday feast of chocolate cake and lollipops (!) everyone was delighted with the strawberry’s, Swiss cheese, green leafs and gherkins!

On Friday, all of our afternoon children went to ‘World book Day’ assembly for a special Alice In Wonderland dramatisation put on by senior IMS pupils. Children had a wonderful time at assembly and looked fantastic with all their favourite book character costumes on!

 Photo’s to follow on Mrs. Quaile’s return!

IMFC Yorkhill & Brightest Star Charity Fundraising ‘Superheroes Party Day’

All children are invited to dress up as their favourite Super Hero for our themed end of term party on Tuesday 25th June.

Children should attend for their normal morning or afternoon session however on this special day we ask that your child dresses up and brings a donation in support of the charity.

Staff have been working hard to plan a variety of themed games and activities for the end of term party day and we are all sure your child will have a wonderful time attending.

Sponsorship for Brightest Star and Yorkhill Children’s Charity

Please take time to have a look at the Sponsorship wall just through the double doors of the foyer.

Brightest Star and Yorkhill Charity Fundraisers

To support the above charities staff have planned two very special events.

The first event at Isobel Mair Family Centre will be a ‘Super Hero’ themed party day on the Tuesday 25th June.

The Brightest Star charity was founded in memory of Jack Kennedy. Jack was a local child who loved Super Heroes, in particular ‘The Hulk.’ On this day we ask that all children come to our themed party dressed as their favourite Super Hero, bringing a donation for Jack’s charity. For more information on Jack’s charity please go to: www.brighteststar.org.uk

The second event is a sponsored event and we ask for your support in this. Staff will be travelling to Aberfoyle on Saturday 20th July to ‘Go Ape’ where they will be swinging through the treetops in terror!

The money we raise will go to both Brightest Star and Yorkhill Children’s Charity.

I’m sure you will wish the staff well in their venture and we hope you will help us raise as much money as possible for charities close to our hearts.