Tag Archives: Coffee and Chat

Getting to Know You

Please come along to our ‘Getting to Know You’ event at IMFC tomorrow.

This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and the staff who are working with your child, have a chat and conversation over coffee and cake.

The event will be held at drop off times for your convenience – 9.15AM and 1.15PM.

Representatives from IMFC Parent Committee will also be there to say hello.

Hope to see you there!


MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the MacMillan Coffee and Bake Off event today!

As you can see, we hade a super Bake Off with parents and grandparents joining in on the action!

Sandra’s lemon drizzle was just divine and Lorraine’s home made jam…..yuuummmmyyy!

Thank you to all supporters of the event – those who baked, those who made a monetary donation and those who came along on the day. Many Thanks.

Grand Total Raised by Isobel Mair Family Centre:


Getting to Know You

Children begin to establish friendships with their peers when they come to nursery and as a Family Centre we want to promote this social aspect across the centre.

We are opening the doors of Café Isobel on Friday 9th September to facilitate parents meeting, chatting and coming together in friendship.

Staff will be on hand to facilitate this if required, but we are hoping a few parents might wish to nominate themselves as taking on a leading role in developing the ‘Mair Mates’ drop in.

Please speak to me if you think this is something you could support and help develop.



Coffee and Chat

Please come along to the first ‘Coffee and Chat’ session of the term: 9am and/or 1pm Tuesday 15th September.

The host for this session is our teacher, Mrs McConnell.

Mrs McConnell is looking forward to welcoming all of our new parents and of course our returning parents too.

Amongst many other aspects, Mrs McConnell will be talking about our upcoming ‘Pop in and Play’ sessions which will be rolled out throughout the year – come and find out more!


All welcome

Primary School Registration Week

Please be advised primary school registration week will take place from Monday 12th to Friday 16th January 2015, between 1.30 and 3.30pm.

For information from the Director of Education please click the following link:

Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter 2014-2015

If you need to discuss any aspect of school registration please speak to our Teacher Elizabeth McConnell who will be happy to help.

In addition, Mrs McConnell will be hosting a Coffee and Chat session on Wednesday 7th January (9am or 1pm) to answer any question re school registration.

Coffee and Chat Sessions

Please ensure you come along for our upcoming Coffee and Chat Sessions.

The sessions provide a great opportunity to chat with your child’s key worker, have a look at the learning taking place within the play rooms and catch up on what your child has been doing within the FC.

Next Dates are:

Tuesday 11th November with Miss Erskine for all our Balta and Lamba playroom children
Wednesday 12th November with Miss McAnally for all our Texa children.

Please come along.

Coffee and Chat

All parent’s and carers are cordially invited to our next coffee and chat session!

This session will be hosted by Miss. McNeill – keyworker of the yellow group on Wednesday moring at 9.15 and again in the afternoon at 1.30pm.

Miss. McNeill will be available to have a chat about ongoing nursery routines, care and learning and any other topic you may wish to discuss.

Our coffee and chat sessions provide an opportunity for parent’s to contribute their ideas, comments and suggestions and we value your input.

I do hope you are able to come along….you will be made most welcome.

Coffee and Chat

 All parent’s and carers are cordially invited to our next coffee and chat session!

This session will be hosted by Mrs Todd, Depute Head of Centre.

 Mrs Todd will be available to discuss transitions to our feeder primary schools and any other topic you may wish to discuss.

 Our coffee and chat sessions provide an opportunity for parent’s to contribute their ideas, comments and suggestions and we value your input.

 I do hope you are able to come along….you will be made most welcome.