Tag Archives: Celebrations

Easter Holiday Reminder

The family centre will be closed on Friday 3rd and Monday 6th April for the Easter Weekend.

We re-open on Tuesday 7th April for our extended year children and for those who are attending our Spring Playscheme.

The Playscheme is now FULL – the closing date for applications has passed and we no changes can be made.

The Playscheme finishes on Friday 17th April and we ask that you complete the evaluation form and return to help us plan our Summer Playscheme.

The Family Centre will re-open for all term time children on Monday 20th April.

Enjoy your Easter Break.



Many congratulations


Interviews for the post of Head Teacher of Isobel Mair School and Family Centre were held on Wednesday and I am delighted to be able to tell you that Mrs Sarah Clark has been appointed.

Sarah will take over as Head Teacher on Monday 5 January 2015.

 I am sure that you will join with me in congratulating Sarah and wishing her all the best in her new post.

Mrs Mari Wallace

Ladies Night Success!

As you know, last Friday night the staff at IMFC hosted a Ladies Night event as a fundraiser for the Family Centre.

The evening was a ROARING success with everyone enjoying the stalls, dancing along to top DJ Tony’s tunes and playing an assortment of games.

Photo’s are displayed in our foyer and all raffle prizes have now gone to their rightful owner!

Feedback from the parent’s who attended has been very positive with many parents asking how soon we will be hosting another event!

The staff would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all who attended on the night, bought raffle tickets, handed in prizes and wished us well for the night.

The money is still rolling in the door as people who were unable to attend wish to make their own monetary contribution, however I am delighted to let you know that at last count the total was sitting close to a FANTASTIC


Well done to Siobhan Barron and Zoe McNeill who planned and organised the event and thanks to all other staff for their support.

Isobel Mair Family Centre Graduation Celebration

Tonight we will host our 3rd annual Graduation Ceremony for all pre school children leaving to move on to Primary School come August.

You should have received your invitation by now but if not click below:

Graduation Invite

Please come along to the Family Centre door; the children will make their way to the Cara playroom and parents, family and friends will be escorted along to the MOD.

Some parent’s have asked how many family members are allowed to attend tonight. We have use of IMS MOD (gym hall) tonight therefore we are not required to place a limit on numbers attending.

We look forward to seeing you tonight and joining you in celebrating your child’s achievements.

World Book Day

Next week will see the start of literacy week within the family centre. Our playrooms are always a literacy rich environment for children however next week we will be doing even more to help support children’s developing literacy skills.

On Thursday we will be hosting  a ‘Very Healthy Hungry Caterpillar’ snack for our children – using all the healthy snack elements form the story! Have you spotted the learning wall as it begins to emerge? Feel free to come and add your comments as you see children’s ideas and learning develop.

On Friday we ask that your child comes to nursery dressed as their favourite story book character……there will be an assembly on Friday afternoon.

Advance Warning!

Advance Warning

Our Tapestry of Festivals continues into January as we celebrate Burns Day on Friday 24th January.

Children will be learning traditional Scottish dancing , songs and Burns poetry in the weeks before the event and on the day we will be having some traditional Scottish foods for snack!

We ask that all children wear something tartan on this day to help with our celebrations. This may be a kilt, dress, tartan scarf or just a tartan ribbon.