Category Archives: Special Events

Garden Party

Garden Party – Tuesday 26th June

Tickets are available from the front foyer at a cost of 50p each. Please come along and enjoy the morning/afternoon with all the family.

We will have games and activities as well as stalls including raffle, tombola, face painting, ice cream cones and summer punch! Please come along and support this fun event.

We are looking for any donations for raffle prizes, tombola prizes (adult and child) so we would very much appreciate any items you could spare!

In addition, if any parents would like to help distribute letters to local businesses please see Colette.

Extended Play Day: Thursday 21st June @ Calderglen Country Park

Extended Play Day: Thursday 21st June

Reminder about our longest day of the year all together play day!

Plan for the Day!


Calderglen Country Park, come rain, hail or shine! We will be embracing this outdoor learning opportunity no matter the weather. This is an outdoor nursery day that you attend with your child. There will be no nursery session at IMFC on this day.


Staff will be at the park from 9:30am – 3pm. Please feel free to attend whatever times suits you. Some parent will be there all day and others have requested that they only attend for part of the day.

Please let Joanne or Donna know your intentions for the day.


Please note that everyone should meet us at the park. If you require any advise regarding travel arrangement please see Joanne or Donna.

Things to do

Zoo – small charge to access this please see website

Café, Play Park, Forest Adventures, Splashing IN the river (Please ensure you have a change of clothes), Parachute sessions


We would suggest everyone is prepared for all weathers as we all know we can have 4 seasons in one day! If anyone requires a full waterproof suit please speak to a member of staff and we can lend you one.

Please note the adult who is accompanying your child has to ensure that they are supervised at all times.

Website for more details:


Graduation Celebration


Our children’s Graduation Celebration was a roaring success, thank you to all who attended and gave their support to the children heading off to school. We were really disappointed to discover our photographs did not turn out well. Please tweet @IsobelMairFC with any photos from graduation or email to

Thank you to those who have sent photos in already – much appreciated.

Sports Day and Well Being Week

Sports Day and Wellbeing Week

Our Sports Day is scheduled for Friday 4th May. We will be working with the children to plan this event and see what ideas they come up with for activities and sporting challenges…..this could be interesting!

As part of our health and wellbeing focus, we would like to extend Sports Day into the following week (week beginning 4th May) by planning a Wellbeing Week.

We are in the process of contacting a range of professionals to support the nursery in the wellbeing focused week. So far the following events to promote wellbeing have been planned – please let us know if you would like to participate in any/all of the following and we will let you know as more activities are confirmed!

Walking buses leaving from Asda and Patterton

Bring your bike to nursery day

Calming Minds Workshops with Vicky

Mini Kickers with Peter

Little Tiger Cubs Taekwondo with Charlotte

Dance Workshops with Linda









Celebrating Who We Are Week


All staff at Isobel Mair Family Centre would just like to say a

HUGE ‘Thank You’

for your wonderful support of our

‘Celebrating Who We Are’ week.

So far we have raised a total of just over £350, however we still have more bags and ‘shrinkie’ key rings to make and sell so the grand total will increase, with every penny donated to our three named charities.

Thank you for your support.

If you have not yet received your pre-ordered pens, trolley tokens and wrist bands – please let us know as we have a few surplus in the office. In addition, if you have not had the opportunity to purchase your child’s hand made reusable bag and/or shrinkie key ring – please let us know!


‘Celebrating Who We Are’ Week

We are celebrating who we are. Blue eyes or Brown eyes? Long or short hair? Downs syndrome? Epilepsy? Autism? What ever it is that makes us unique we will be celebrating it this week.
The three charities we will be supporting this year include Downs Syndrome Scotland, Epilepsy Awareness and Autism Awareness. Thank you in advance for all your help to raise funds for these charities. Many of you have already placed orders for trolley tokens, pens and wrist bands to support these charities.
In addition to this we are hosting three special themed days:

Wed 21st March

Lots of Socks Day for Downs Syndrome Scotland – wear LOTS of socks, bright socks, odd socks, socks on your head….whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

The children are also invited to bring in an ‘odd sock’ to make a sock puppet with Colette in Cara playroom

More info at:

Thurs 22nd March

Epilepsy Awareness – Wear purple! Purple trousers, purple top, purple ribbon, purple socks! Whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

More info at:

Friday 23rd March

Autism awareness – Wear a Onesie Day! A superhero onesie, a shortie onesie, any kind of onesie! Whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

More info at:

To make our ‘Celebrating Who We Are’ week even more special the children have been busy making a variety of themed items for you to purchase with all proceeds donated to the three charities. Please come along with your purses and wallets at the ready to ensure purchases can be made, raising awareness of these charities and the excellent work they do.

If your child attends the nursery on the Family Centre bus – do not worry, you won’t miss out! If you wish to purchase the items your child has made please give money to the bus escort in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name.

We appreciate your support of our charity fundraising! Many thanks to all who have placed orders already and many thanks for your participation.

IMFC Yearly Planner

Please click on the link below to view a copy of our new yearly planner for 2017 – 2018.

We have tried really hard to establish all the dates 100% however please be aware the dates could possibly be subject to change given any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. 

Printed ‘fridge friendly’ versions are available from the foyer. 

We hope you find this useful….let us know what you think!

IMFC Year Planner 17-18