Category Archives: General Information

Benji the PlayTalkRead bus is coming to East Renfrewshire!

Benji Bus is coming to you…….


‘Join in the fun and bring your little ones along for free songs, stories and play sessions. Playing, talking and reading with young children can make them happier and healthier now and in the future.’

11 – 15 May 2015 Mearns Avenue Shopping Centre, 250 Ayr Road, Glasgow, G77 6AA (10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm)

12th May 2015 Neilston Leisure Centre, Main Street, Neilston, Glasgow, G78 3NN (10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm)

13th May 2015 Auchenback Resource Centre, 60 Aurs Drive, Barrhead, Glasgow, G78 2LW (10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm)

14th May 2015 Thorntree Hall, Main Street, Thornliebank, G46 7SF (10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm)

15th May 2015 Rouken Glen Country Park, Giffnock, G46 7LL (10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm) –

For more information on PlayTalkRead visit the website:

Good Luck Mrs Grey

Mrs Laura Grey has been a temporary Pupil Support Assistant with us since 2012. Laura was due to finish with us on Tuesday last week to take on a temporary Child Development Officer post at a local Family Centre.

There was a last minute change of plan on Tuesday after Laura was interviewed for a permanent Child Development Officer post at Busby Nursery Class. Laura was delighted to accept the offer of permanent employment and looks forward to taking on her new role on Monday 11th May. Laura will now stay with us at IMFC with her ‘new!’ last day planned as Friday 8th May.

We are currently in the recruitment stages for Laura’s temporary post within the Texa Playroom and we will let you know who the new member of staff will be as soon as we know ourselves.

We wish Laura every success in her new role at Busby, we will miss you!

Toy Fund Envelopes and Consultation


Our Term 4 Toy Fund envelopes are now ready and will be handed out tomorrow. You should find a note inside your envelope asking for your views about a potential change to the Toy Fund. Please complete the return slip and pop back into the envelope before returning. If you would like to add any comments, please feel free to do so on the reverse.

Consultation Information

Our Toy Fund has always been a vital aspect of funds for us in terms of ensuring we can make particular purchases outwith our local authority budget. We have made purchases in response to children’s interest and parent comment, for example we recently purchased library bags at a cost of £400 using Toy Fund money. This enabled us to re-establish our IMFC Lending Library.

We also use Toy Fund money at times of celebration i.e. buying special snack items to celebrate Diwali, costumes when organising the annual Nativity, end of term parties and of course our Graduation Ceremony!!

We are thinking about increasing the Toy Fund to cover additional costs following recent efficiency savings across the authority and we want to hear your views.

We previously received a delivery of fresh fruit for our children each week to be used during snack time. Snack is an important aspect of our day and when children come together for snack they are learning important social skills in addition to skills in health and wellbeing, numeracy and literacy. If snack is to continue in the same way – we need to ensure we can cover costs. This is why we are carrying out a consultation with you. 

Consultation is really important to ensure each and every parent and carer is offered opportunities to share their views. All views are taken into account, listened to and acted upon and we will ensure we make decisions in collaboration with you.

We have a small minority of parents who do not pay into the Toy Fund as it is a voluntary contribution. To ensure those parents can still share their views, blank consultation forms are available on the table in the foyer.

If any parent thinks they may be ‘behind’ in their Toy Fund payment and would like to bring payments up to date please speak to Donna who will be happy to work out the total amount due.

We look forward to hearing and acting on your views.



New Recruit

We are delighted to inform you that we have recruited a new member of staff to our team.

Aileen Quinn was successful at interview on Monday and will take on the temporary position of Depute Head of Centre whilst Joanne Todd is on maternity leave.

Aileen will start in May – date is yet to be confirmed.

We look forward to introducing Aileen and wish her every success.




Easter Holiday Reminder

The family centre will be closed on Friday 3rd and Monday 6th April for the Easter Weekend.

We re-open on Tuesday 7th April for our extended year children and for those who are attending our Spring Playscheme.

The Playscheme is now FULL – the closing date for applications has passed and we no changes can be made.

The Playscheme finishes on Friday 17th April and we ask that you complete the evaluation form and return to help us plan our Summer Playscheme.

The Family Centre will re-open for all term time children on Monday 20th April.

Enjoy your Easter Break.



Attention Parents – Competition Time!

It is Child Smile Month and our children have been learning all about the importance of good oral health.

Through discussion, the children have decided that it would be fun to have a competition involving their parents/carers.

Let’s see how crafty you can be by joining in with our

‘Design Your Own Toothbrush Competition!


Use your imagination and see what you can come up with! 

Bring your toothbrush model in to nursery and we will be sure to display all entries in our foyer.

The deadline for the competition is Friday the 6th of March.

1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to be won!

New Hot Lunches

We have recently started offering a new hot lunch service for children – who seem to be thoroughly enjoying the tasty and nutritious new menu!

Please click the following link if you would like to have a look at the hot lunch menu.

IMS&FC Hot Lunch Menu

If you would like your child to have a hot lunch, instead of the packed lunch you are currently providing,  all you have to do is inform Donna or your child’s keyworker on the morning of the day you would like the hot lunch. You can do this either in person or by telephone before 9.30am. Hot lunches will be charged at £1.95 – payable on the day of order.

Unfortunately, we can not offer hot lunches on an ‘ad hoc’ basis outwith wrap around contracts.