Category Archives: Expressive Arts

The Show

The children decided they wanted to put on a show today.

Ayanna came and told us she needed facepaint as it would “make us all better actors”, so we had to oblige!

The children then discussed lots of ideas about how to plan for a perfect show. Emilia reflected on her personal experiences when she told everybody that lights are important saying “we really need the lights off,  then on when we go on the stage. They did that at Disney on Ice”.

Luca and Mehr were excited to use the home made microphones and Sebastian and Eesa were keen to be photographer and videographed.

The children developed lots of curricular skills during this self directed interdisciplinary play experience including listening, sharing ideas, taking turns, IT skills, performing, celebrating success, designing, solving problems and had so much fun at the same time.

Well done everybody.





Not A Box!

For any parent wondering who our visitor in the foyer is……..or why?

Miss McNeill has used the book ‘Not a Box’ to support children’s developing knowledge across the curriculum.

Based at the creative arts area over the past few weeks Miss McNeill has incorporated curricular areas literacy, numeracy, health & well being and expressive arts into children’s learning……

Literacy: Extending book knowledge  through discussing the title, author, illustrator of the book  ‘It’s Not a Box’ which was used to develop the context for learning. Encouraging children to develop an interest in print, texts and pictures. Recognising words, understanding print is meaningful and can convey as message. Understanding positional and comparative language, giving a personal response.

Numeracy: Describing and ordering in simple mathematical language ‘first, next, last’, touch counting items required, following and giving instructions using: in front, behind, beside, under, in, out, on top of, next to. Describing position, identifying and naming 3D shapes and objects. Describing length using long/longer, short/shorter and height using tall/taller and small/smaller. Solving problems and evaluating solutions.

Health and Wellbeing: Expressing thoughts and abilities, communicating with growing confidence within a group of friends. Recognising mistakes can provide opportunities for learning and working as a team – co-operating with others. Demonstrating how to tackle a ‘problem’. Taking responsibility.

Expressive Arts: Gaining confidence to explore and experiment with materials. Using tools and equipment to develop control of fine movement of fingers and hands. Selecting own materials. Use 3 dimensional form to convey thoughts and feeling and the experience of having a piece of work being ‘exhibited’.

And you thought it was just a box………………..

Can you think of any other skills your child may have developed through recycling junk!?

Welcome Back!

For those who were off …..we hope you enjoyed your mid term break!

I wonder if you can spot something new in our foyer as you return to the Family Centre on Wednesday!?

Please ensure your child is careful – a lot of work went into producing our ‘visitor’ and we would be so upset to see him damaged.

Miss McNeill will be working with the children to plan a new project…..I wonder what creation will come next!