Category Archives: Eco Schools

August to October Newsletter plus Additional Information

You should have received a paper copy of our August to October Newsletter plus some additional information outlining holidays for the coming year and an overview of special events taking place at the Family Centre.

If you have not received your copy, please speak to Mrs Quaile or Mrs Todd who will be happy to help. (All newsletters are also available via this website, under the ‘News’ tab.)

Please ensure you return the e-mail tear off slip. This will help us compile an IMFC Mailing List which not only helps with communication, it supports funds by reducing budget spent on paper and ink and supports our Eco Schools Scotland programme by reducing waste.

When returning the slip, please feel free to add as many e-mail addresses as you feel necessary. Perhaps your child’s Grandparents are involved with dropping off and collecting your child from the Family Centre? Perhaps you would like your Childminder to keep abreast of what’s happening at IMFC? Please feel free to add these e-mails….the more the merrier!

Eco Schools Bronze Award

Eco Schools Bronze Award

After a lot of hard work by staff and children we have achieved our first Eco-School Award.  The Bronze Award Certificate was awarded on the 17th  May 2013.

Children from  the Family Centre and pupils from Isobel Mair School have been working very hard and learning all about the measures that have to be taken to look after our planet. Recent learning has focused on recycling plastic bottles and other ‘junk’ items, recycling  paper on a daily basis and investigating nature and growth.

Children from the Family Centre have taken part in a  litter pick during ‘National Spring Clean Week.’  The children have also taken part in various activities that have furthered their knowledge on different aspects of Eco schools.

We  received our Bronze Award and are well on our way to achieving our Silver award.

Well done to all!