Our Modern Apprentice – Miss Colette Graham has been liaising with Hugh Graham from the Adult and Family Learning Service. Hugh has supported the Family Centre in the past during Bookbug week and we are delighted that Hugh has agreed to come along to the Family Centre for our launch of Cardboard Box Storytellers.
Cardboard Box Storytellers are based in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire. They write, make and tell stories that fit neatly into different sized cardboard boxes.
For more information about Cardboard Box Storytellers click on the link below:
Cardboard Box Storytellers Information leaflet
You can also search for Cardboard Box Storytellers on Facebook.
Dates for your Diary:
Stroytelling Sessions for you to come along to: Wednesday 28th January at 11.15 and at 1pm (Write your name on list in foyer or speak to Colette/Donna)
Parent workshops: Wednesday 11th, 18th, 25th Feb and 4th March. Let us know if you would like to participate!