‘Celebrating Who We Are’ Week

We are celebrating who we are. Blue eyes or Brown eyes? Long or short hair? Downs syndrome? Epilepsy? Autism? What ever it is that makes us unique we will be celebrating it this week.
The three charities we will be supporting this year include Downs Syndrome Scotland, Epilepsy Awareness and Autism Awareness. Thank you in advance for all your help to raise funds for these charities. Many of you have already placed orders for trolley tokens, pens and wrist bands to support these charities.
In addition to this we are hosting three special themed days:

Wed 21st March

Lots of Socks Day for Downs Syndrome Scotland – wear LOTS of socks, bright socks, odd socks, socks on your head….whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

The children are also invited to bring in an ‘odd sock’ to make a sock puppet with Colette in Cara playroom

More info at: https://worlddownsyndromeday.org/lots-of-socks

Thurs 22nd March

Epilepsy Awareness – Wear purple! Purple trousers, purple top, purple ribbon, purple socks! Whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

More info at: https://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/purple-day-epilepsy-awareness?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1q3VBRCFARIsAPHJXrEkESG_ybDhNX8F8VQ_SIdsQtoS4AECCkI1fJTEGkwTLxwLHNuSyxcaAnZREALw_wcB#.WqvHqNKLSM8

Friday 23rd March

Autism awareness – Wear a Onesie Day! A superhero onesie, a shortie onesie, any kind of onesie! Whatever you fancy!! Bring a donation to add to the bucket!

More info at: http://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/world-autism-awareness-week.aspx?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1q3VBRCFARIsAPHJXrF9hNMvhJmQBUrVvU1IChuLemLrfKkeMzVFmhZ-YmVXYVO6Zg-6TEQaApRjEALw_wcB

To make our ‘Celebrating Who We Are’ week even more special the children have been busy making a variety of themed items for you to purchase with all proceeds donated to the three charities. Please come along with your purses and wallets at the ready to ensure purchases can be made, raising awareness of these charities and the excellent work they do.

If your child attends the nursery on the Family Centre bus – do not worry, you won’t miss out! If you wish to purchase the items your child has made please give money to the bus escort in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name.

We appreciate your support of our charity fundraising! Many thanks to all who have placed orders already and many thanks for your participation.