Tesco Bags of Help Grant News!

Tesco supermarket teamed up with Green Space Scotland to launch it’s Bags of Help initiative which saw grants awarded to local projects – all raised from the 5p carrier bag charge. 

Isobel Mair Family Centre submitted an application to the Tesco Bags of Help grant scheme in December and we were thrilled to discover we had been nominated for an award.

This week we can share the tremendous news that we have been awarded……….


We are just thrilled to have been chosen by Tesco customers to receive such an amazing amount of money which will be spent on making improvements to our outdoor learning space. 

Many ideas were generated for the application and we are hoping to take these ideas forward. The children are all on board with ideas for their space and we would like parent’s to have a say too.

We have spoken with some parent’s who have ‘registered an interest’ in joining a working party to help move forward with our ambitious plans for upgrading the outdoor environment. Please let your child’s key worker know if you are interested in joining the group. 

Thank you to everybody who voted for us!