Eat Better Feel Better Programme

Donna has recently met with Katrina McFarlane, Health Improvement Practitioner to discuss the possibility of delivering a short course based around the development of practical food related skills with children and families.

Provisional arrangements have been made to bring in a community chef who will deliver a programme suitable for children young people and/or families to incorporate behaviour change strategies.

This is a great opportunity for parents who have children who are commonly classed as being ‘faddy eaters’ to come together, chat and share ideas about how to rebalance and regain control with healthier eating within the family.

Key areas of the short course include key healthy eating messages and recommendations, reading food labels, how to improve diet by reducing sugar, fat and salt intake, improving cooking methods and reducing convenience foods/choosing healthier options.

The 6 week programme will hopefully begin in January – a great healthy start to the New Year.  Please speak to Donna if you would like to note an interest in this group.

Healthier choices