All posts by Andrew McMillan

Friday 23rd February P6B Class Blog

We have been learning about Substance Misuse in Health and Wellbeing. We have been taking notes about alcohol, smoking and drugs and the effects that these substances have on the human body.

In maths, the yellow group have been calculating the area of right angles triangles using a formula. The orange group have been doing place value and working out the value of digits.  The white group have been learning about circles.  They have been using compasses to measure and draw circles of certain sizes.

In P.E we were developing badminton skills. We worked on playing backhand and forehand shots.  We practised our control skills and then had a competition.

With Mrs. McGreggor we went to Eastwood High School where we were split into groups and practised basketball skills. At the end we ran around the track twice.

In Social Studies we are learning about the Scottish Parliament and have been creating our own political parties. We had to create our own manifestos, party name, slogan and symbol.  We have been learning about how parliament is run, the history of the parliament and how laws are made.  We are going to the Parliament on Monday.

In science we have been learning about the nose. We had different stations where we had to smell different smells and learnt fun facts about the nose.

P6B Class Blog Friday 16th February 2018

Happy Chinese New Year! In class we were learning about Chinese New Year; how it is celebrated, traditions and the zodiac.  As it is the year of the dog we learnt how to make origami dogs and write our names in Chinese.

Today we wrote newspaper reports about the Winter Olympics. We looked at features of a newspaper report and gathered facts and relevant information about the Winter Olympics which we included in our reports.

In P.E this week we were developing our football skills with Mr. McMillan. We worked on developing our passing and dribbling skills.  The students from the high school took us over to their school on Thursday, they will be teaching us basketball skills for the next 6 weeks.

We had a qualifying tournament in our class in order to pick pupils who will represent the school at the council cross country event in Rouken Glen on Tuesday 27th February.  Alexander, Oscar, Millie and Mariyah will represent P6b.

In science we learnt more about the nose. We watched a video about the nose.  We then moved around stations where we had to identify the smells and guess what they were.  We had to describe what we though the smells were like.

The White group in maths have been continuing their work on BODMAS. The Orange group have been measuring angles up to 360 degrees using a protractor and the Yellow group have been working out the area and perimeter of compound shapes with missing/ unknown lengths.

Friday 2nd February 2018 P6b Class Blog

This week we had our Scottish Open Afternoon. I’m sure you’ll agree, if you were there, that it was fantastic.  We learnt some Scottish songs; Caledonia, Donald Where’s Your Troosers, O’Flower of Scotland, Auld Lang Syne and Skyscraper Wean.  We learnt Geordie’s Mingin Medicine and performed this as a class.  Some pupils read poems by Robert Burns and some pupils read out their own poems about Scotland.  A group of pupils demonstrated two of the ceilidh dances we have been learning; Gay Gordons and Dashing White Sergeant.  Pupils also read out a description of their favourite place in Scotland.  The musicians from both classes performed a variety of Scottish songs on their instruments.  When the performance finished we went to the cafeteria with our parents and had some Scottish refreshments!

We are very excited to have a new pupil, Millie in our class who has joined us this week!

In maths, the yellow group have started area and perimeter. The white group have been learning about BODMAS.  The oranges have been learning about angles and how to measure using a protractor.

We wrote a newspaper report for Big Writing about our Scottish Open Afternoon.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we have been developing our basketball skills; dribbling and passing.

P6B Class Blog 12th January 2018

This week has been an exciting week at Crookfur primary.

In math the white has been doing patterns and relationships. The orange have been continuing time but moved onto time durations. The yellow have started co-ordinates.

In literacy we have done a selection of different subjects on spelling, comprehension and writing. In writing we were given a story starter called planet Delta and we had to continue it.

We have started a new topic called ‘Bands on Tour’. We got ourselves into groups and throughout the topic we have done all our work with them. Our first activity was to create a band; we needed to name our band, give a description of each band member and create a scrap book to record all our band information.  Then we developed our map reading skills.  We each had maps of Europe.  We discussed common themes that the map had and noticed that the capital cities were highlighted in bold writing.  We then used the maps to decide which 12 cities around Europe we would visit on our tout.  Next, we made a note of the order we would visit the cities in and then used the internet to research how long it would take to travel from city to city and what distance is between each city.  Using this information we worked out an itinerary for our 24 day tour.  We have also begun budgeting for the tour.  We need to budget for petrol, transport, accommodation, equipment, clothing and food.

P6b Class Blog Friday 5th January 2018

This week has been good but short.

On Thursday P6 finished our Victorian topic we did a fact file on what we have learned e.g.  (school) rich children were taught at school where as the poor were made to have a job so they can get more money for the family.(jobs) chimney sweeps, servants, mill workers, farm hand , factory worker and coal miner.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we did different activates which involved running .

Our new topic is … Bands on Tour! This is a topic about Europe. So far we have got into bands of 4 and created profiles to record the members .

By Carys Bannerman and Jaweria Tahir

P6b Class Blog Friday 15th December 2017

On Tuesday we went to Greenlaw Grove Care Home along with some nursery pupils and we sang to the elderly residents. We sang Christmas songs and we also recited ‘Twas a Night Before Christmas.  It was very enjoyable to sing to the residents and to chat to them.  They also gave us some drinks and food.

Today we had to say goodbye to Mrs. Robertson. We had a special assembly for her.  We sang songs for her and presented her with a gift that we made.  P6b created a woordle heart.  We each wrote one word to describe Mrs. Robertson and put it together to form a heart.  We also created a booklet full of messages, poems, pictures and memories.

Today in writing we wrote a newspaper article about the Grinch stealing Christmas. We had to retell the events of the story as if we were a reporter and we even included some interviews with characters.

The white group have been converting units of measurement. The orange have been converting 12 and 24 hour time.  And the yellow group have been doing algebraic equations.

We have done some Christmas themed comprehension and reading in language. Also, we were learning about limericks and we created our own Christmas limericks.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we played some Christmas P.E games in teams.

In art we have been creating snowmen with oil pastels. We have been working on blending colours and shades to represent the reflection of light.

P6B Class Blog Friday 8th December 2017

On Monday we went to the Baptist Church for an Advent Trail. We went with pupils from Isobel Mair too.  We had a quiz to start with.  We then went into groups and had different stations which we went round; one was an arts and crafts station, 3 story stations, a quiz/ snack station and a film station.

On Tuesday at P.E we played various games of boccia which had different rules and scoring systems. On Thursday with Mrs. McGreggor we played football and dodgeball.

We have been rehearsing with the nursery pupils for our visit to the Care Home next week. We will be performing Christmas songs, poems and readings.

In science we were writing our conclusion about solids dissolving in water.

In writing we wrote letters to Olaf from the film frozen. We wrote persuasive letters, urging him not to find out what summer is like!

P6b Class Blog Friday 17th November 2017

Primary 6 worked very hard all week preparing for our assembly ‘Back to the Victorians’ which was a blast! Thank you to all the parents and family members who turned up to watch our show.

We have been learning about and discussing anti bullying this week as it is ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. We looked at different scenarios and discussed positive ways of dealing with situations.  We also created our own comic strip where we designed a story about bullying in which the victim deals with it in a positive way.  We also spoke about online bullying/ cyber-bullying and steps that we can take if we encounter bullying online.  Today, we also created our own Anti-Bullying fact files.

In maths the yellow group have started algebra, the orange group have been finding the area of triangles and compound shapes and the white group have been finding fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts.

In P.E we played boccia with Mr. McMillan and basketball with Mrs. McGregor.

In science we researched topical science where we chose our own topic to research.

P6B Class Blog Friday 10th November 2017

We have been practising our Back to the Victorians assembly. We are looking forward to performing it to the school and our parents.

In writing we have been developing our VCOP. This week we wrote about walking through Glasgow City Centre and described it using our 5 senses.

In maths the orange group have been calculating the area of triangles. The white group have ben converting between fractions, percentages and decimals and finding percentages of amounts.  The yellow group have been measuring the angles of triangles.

In P.E we played 5 bat cricket and boccia which we all enjoyed. With Mrs. McGreggor we have been playing basketball.

In reading we have been working on our skimming and scanning techniques. Skimming is when you find the meaning of the text.  We use clues such as; title/ heading, sub headings, captions, pictures, diagrams and charts.  Scanning is when you go through the text to find a specific word or phrase.

Primary 6b Class Blog Friday 3rd November


In maths the white group have been converting fractions, decimals and percentages.


The orange group have been working out the area and perimeter of compound shapes.

The yellow group have been learning about different types of triangles and the properties of triangles.



In language we have been reading new, non-fiction books.  The purple group have been reading ‘Vanishing Habitats and Species’, the green group have been reading ‘Australia’ and the red group have been reading ‘America’.  We learnt what skimming and scanning are and we have been using these techniques in our reading to answer questions.



Miss Cox was in with our class today for writing.  We wrote about walking down a Victorian street and focussed on our 5 senses as well as VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation).



In science we have been continuing our learning on magnetism. 



In P.E we have been doing games with Mr. McMillan.  We played three stage tunnel tig and 5 bat cricket.  With Mrs. McGreggor we have been continuing our basketball skills.