All posts by Andrew McMillan

P5A Class Blog 4th November

The orange group have been using the formula A=LxB to work out the area of squares and rectangles. They have also been using cubes to make rectangles and squares with the same area but different perimeter.

The Pink Group have been doing data analysis. They have studied pictograms, bar charts and line graphs.  Today they began their own survey too.

The Yellow group have started learning about 3D shapes. They made some cubes using nets of shapes.

In P.E we have started football. We talked about the rules of football and played a game.

A new music teacher, Mr. Crocket came in to teach us music. We played some games and did some singing.

We did drama today (Friday) with Mrs. Parker who has her own drama company.

Sadly, Mrs. McGee who works in the office had her last day today. P5 wrote her a poem of how kind and caring she is.

All of the language groups have new books. They are all non-fiction.

Class Blog Friday 28th October 2016

We have a new helping hands display in class where pupils have different responsibilities in the school.

In maths the Pink group have been learning about rounding and estimating and have even been using decimals.

The white maths group have been learning about weight. We have been estimating how much an object weighs and using scales and weights to measure the weight of the object.

We started a new topic all about animals, plants and species.

The yellow maths group have been learning about symmetry and have been creating our own symmetrical designs.

Our Titanic models and design briefs were assessed and judged by P6.

The orange maths group have been learning about area and perimeter. We have been creating shapes and measuring their areas.

We have been designing Christmas cards.

We created some spooky pictures and wrote some spooky poems.

In P.E we were practising our gymnastic skills using the apparatus.


Class Blog 7th October 2016

The pink group have been learning about angles and using protractors to measure angles. We have also been learning about durations of time.

The orange group have been learning about estimating and rounding.

The yellow group have been learning how to read the time.

The white group have been doing function machines using the 4 operations.

We have looked at magic squares for problem solving.

We have been discussing the Global Goals more and today looked at No. 15 – Life on Land.

We have been learning about common and proper nouns.

We have been learning about personification and wrote a poem about the great outdoors using personification.

We have finished our models of the First Class rooms of the Titanic.

We have been looking at making predictions in language.

P5A Class Blog 30th September 2016

We have been working in groups to design and build a model of a first class room on the Titanic.

In P.E we have been playing 5 bat cricket and are getting much better at our teamwork which is needed to succeed in this game. We have also been playing cups and saucers in P.E.

In maths the pink group have been learning about angles, the orange group have been learning about grid references, the white group have been carrying out their own survey and the yellow group have been doing time.

We are getting much faster at completing our morning mile.

We have been learning about onomatopoeia this week and have been using it in our writing which was to describe a haunted house!

We watched a short animation called Home Sweet Home and used this to answer questions including predication questions.

Class Blog 9th September 2016

We have been recording our morning run times and have a leader board in the class.

We imagined that we were survivors of the Titanic and recorded some of our interviews which were shown to the class.

In maths the Pink group have been working on area and perimeter of squares, rectangles and compound shapes.

The Yellow and Orange group have been learning about fractions

The White group have been doing monster addition and subtraction sums

We created road safety posters for a competition

We created fact file booklets about the Titanic

We used oil pastels to create a drawing of the Titanic

We wrote an imaginative story about the dream giver which was based on a short film that we watched

In P.E at Eastwood High School we have been doing gymnastics and have been doing different roles.

We wrote a question for our meeting with the famous illustrator Chris Riddell.

Class P5A Friday 2nd September

We wrote a newspaper report about the sinking of the Titanic.

We started a ‘world record’ chart for the morning run

We have a new library in our classroom which is like a den

We met Ivor Goodsite who came to the class to talk about safety

We played rounders and five bat cricket for P.E

In maths one group has been working on adding and subtracting, another group has been doing area and perimeter and the other two groups have been doing fractions.

We used oil pastels to create a picture of the Titanic

P5A Class Blog Week 1

We learnt about adverbs and adjectives and made silly sentences with them.

We learnt about similes and we made our own monster poem using them.

We made hot air balloons for our learning wall after reading Oh the places you’ll go and we put our goals for the term inside our balloon.

We went to Eastwood High School for P.E and played rats and rabbits.

We went to the building site on the school grounds and saw the nursery. We wore hard hats and high vis jackets/ vests.  We saw the plumbing pipes, we used tools for measuring the foundation of the building and we saw some diggers in action!

We have started doing the morning run on the track at Eastwood High School. Every day we will aim to jog/ run a mile.

In maths we did some mental maths and problem solving. We also planned a day trip to a theme park.