All posts by Andrew McMillan

P6b Class Blog Friday 27th October 2017

In maths the orange group have been working on finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes. The white group have been learning to simplify fractions and convert them into percentages and decimals.  The yellow group have been finding fractions of shapes, simplifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions and finding fractions of a quantity.

In French we revised our greetings and learnt how to say who was in our family.

In science we were learning about magnetism. We carried out some experiments with magnets and paper clips.  We had to guide a paper clip through a maze using a magnet.

In P.E we had stations set up in the hall and we rotated around each station. We also played 5 bat cricket and different games of tig.  We played basketball with Mrs. McGreggor on Thursday in the MUGA.

Today with Mrs. Stewart we wrote Halloween poems. We used the format ABCB and had to use a range of Halloween vocabulary.  We would also like to say a very special goodbye to Mrs. Stewart who will be starting at Carolside Primary on Monday.  Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Primary 6b are also very excited and lucky to have a new pupil, Lily who joined us this week!

P6b Class Blog Friday 6th October 2017

Hello. Primary 6b have had a great week

On Monday we went on an amazing trip to Dams to Darnley. We created our own ‘Green Men’ from natural resources e.g. berries, leaves sticks and ferns. After we got all the resources we put them on the clay to make a face. Also at dams to Darnley we went orienteering and collected all the point and took the number at the back of the posts we wrote them down to our record sheet…We had lots of fun.

This week in literacy we did moving images. We looked at a story called Reverso. Then we wrote a summery about it. In writing we wrote a story about the great barrier of reef and focused on describing what we would see, touch and feel.

Class Blog P6b Friday 29th September

We had a fantastic September weekend, but were all extremely excited to get back to school.

We had the responsibility of prefect duty today as the Primary 7s were away on a trip.

In science we made a parachute and attached a ball to it to see if it worked. We timed how long each parachute took to reach the ground.

In maths the yellow have been finding fraction of numbers, the orange group have started area and perimeter (and have used the formula a=lxb) and the white group have been multiplying and dividing decimal numbers.

We wrote our own horrifyingly scary stories that will hopefully keep Mr. McMillan awake at night, trembling in fear…

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we were doing fitness and we timed ourselves running.

P6b Class Blog Thursday 21st September

We went on a trip to Dams to Darnley on Monday. We went pond dipping.  Some of the things we found were; water scorpions, a fresh water eel, baby newts, boat/ back swimmers, beetles, water spider and a leech.  We also went on a mini-beast hunt in the woods and some of the things we found were; a harvestman, newts, earwig, a baby toad and lots of slugs!

On Tuesday we went to Summerlee. We went down a coal mine (not a real one though!) to see what it was like to work in one.  It was scary, dark, cold, cramped, narrow and deep.  We went inside a Victorian cottage to find out what living conditions were like during the Victorian times.  We went to a Victorian workshop which was led by the staff at Summerlee.  We wrote with ink and a quill, we dressed up as Victorians, we played with old Victorian toys, we learnt about school life and the belt!

A judo instructor came to the school and held a workshop for Primary 6. We had to wrestle each other to the ground!

In Science we have been learning about forces. We tested parachutes and made our own.

Class Blog P6b Friday 15th September 2017

3, 2, 1, Blast off…

Primary 6 were blasting off to the planet of maths! We have been working on getting to Mars to bring back some mars bars for hungry teachers.  We have had to solve different puzzles (missions).

We worked in our house groups to solve a puzzle. Each year group had a different puzzle to solve. Overall the winning house was Flemming.

In science we were learning about forces. We had a rocket and we had to launch it to see if it went faster going up the way or down the way.  It went faster up the way because of the force of the air pushing it up.

In Big Writing we wrote an imaginative story called ‘The Day Time Stood Still’. We also did more Moving Images this week where we made predictions based on a story called ‘The Present’.

We have been learning about the life of Victorian children and the types of jobs that they would have to do. Thank goodness we all get to go to school!

P6b Class Blog Friday 8th September 2017

We have been learning more about Queen Victoria. Some of the facts we have learnt are; She was born on the 24th May 1819, she died in 1901, she had 9 children (4 boys and 5 girls), her father(Edward Duke of Kent) died in 1820, she had 37 grandchildren, she married her cousin Albert, she wore black every day after her husband died.

In maths the white group have been continuing their work on decimals. They are going to start multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

The orange group have been learning about 3D shapes.  Finding out about faces, vertices and edges.

The yellow group have been simplifying fractions and finding equivalent fractions. They are going to move on to finding fractions of amounts.

In R.M.E we have been learning about the five pillars of Islam.

There was also an Eid party today at lunchtime.

In P.E the class have been developing their basketball skills with Mr. McMillan and football with Mrs. McGreggor.

P6b Class Blog Friday 1st September 2017

We have been creating a pop art picture in the style of Andy Warhole. To do this we had to trace an image onto tracing paper.  Then flip the tracing paper over and copy the image onto another sheet of paper 4 times before colouring it in.

In maths the white group have finished off their work on time durations and have started learning about decimal fractions.

The orange group have been learning about co-ordinates and were making up their own puzzles this week.

The yellow group have been learning about fractions. What fractions are, identifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.

In P.E the class have been doing football with Mrs McGreggor. We will be developing our passing skills, ball control and shooting skills next week.

In language we have been developing our understanding and use of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation). We have been developing these through different games and activities and using these skills in our imaginative writing.  This week we were continuing a story called ‘Howl’.

In ICT we have been researching the Victorians.

P6b Class Blog Friday 25th August

This week Primary 6 have had P.E. in the hall and in the new MUGA. We did games and ball skills with Mr. McMillan and athletics with Mrs. McGreggor.

We have begun our new topic which is the Victorians. We have been learning about Queen Victoria and what life was like as a Victorian.

In maths the white group have been learning how to calculating journey time. The orange group have been learning about co-ordinates and the yellow group have been learning about fractions.

In language we have been doing moving images where we watch short clips and discuss the story. This week we were making predictions about the story.

Mrs. Stewart came in to P6b today and we played some VCOP games and wrote a story.

P6B Class Blog 18th August 2017

We have had a brilliant first week back at school in Primary 6B.

We wrote a letter introducing ourselves to our pen pals who are a Primary 6 class at Cross Arthurlie in East Renfrewshire.

We had a discussion about what makes the perfect pupil and the perfect teacher, and we will try our best to become these! We looked at the UNCRC and chose the articles that we felt are most important and relevant for our class.  We are going to use these articles to create an emoji themed class charter.

We found out about John Muir and this year both Primary 6 classes will try to achieve their John Muir Award.

We are all excited to be in our fabulous new school and are enjoying our new classroom and playground.

P5A Class Blog Friday 9th June 2017

We had relay race heats in P.E to decide who would be representing each house on Sports Day next Monday.

We had some visitors from America in class on Wednesday. We used Lego to build our own ship and create a story about the ship.

The white maths group have been learning about different types of triangles.

The pink group have been learning about decimals.

The orange group and the yellow group have been carrying out surveys and writing their findings up on graphs/ charts.

We were closed on Thursday for the General Election.

In ICT we did coding using Kodu.