Friday 2nd February 2018 P6b Class Blog

This week we had our Scottish Open Afternoon. I’m sure you’ll agree, if you were there, that it was fantastic.  We learnt some Scottish songs; Caledonia, Donald Where’s Your Troosers, O’Flower of Scotland, Auld Lang Syne and Skyscraper Wean.  We learnt Geordie’s Mingin Medicine and performed this as a class.  Some pupils read poems by Robert Burns and some pupils read out their own poems about Scotland.  A group of pupils demonstrated two of the ceilidh dances we have been learning; Gay Gordons and Dashing White Sergeant.  Pupils also read out a description of their favourite place in Scotland.  The musicians from both classes performed a variety of Scottish songs on their instruments.  When the performance finished we went to the cafeteria with our parents and had some Scottish refreshments!

We are very excited to have a new pupil, Millie in our class who has joined us this week!

In maths, the yellow group have started area and perimeter. The white group have been learning about BODMAS.  The oranges have been learning about angles and how to measure using a protractor.

We wrote a newspaper report for Big Writing about our Scottish Open Afternoon.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we have been developing our basketball skills; dribbling and passing.