P6b Class Blog Friday 15th December 2017

On Tuesday we went to Greenlaw Grove Care Home along with some nursery pupils and we sang to the elderly residents. We sang Christmas songs and we also recited ‘Twas a Night Before Christmas.  It was very enjoyable to sing to the residents and to chat to them.  They also gave us some drinks and food.

Today we had to say goodbye to Mrs. Robertson. We had a special assembly for her.  We sang songs for her and presented her with a gift that we made.  P6b created a woordle heart.  We each wrote one word to describe Mrs. Robertson and put it together to form a heart.  We also created a booklet full of messages, poems, pictures and memories.

Today in writing we wrote a newspaper article about the Grinch stealing Christmas. We had to retell the events of the story as if we were a reporter and we even included some interviews with characters.

The white group have been converting units of measurement. The orange have been converting 12 and 24 hour time.  And the yellow group have been doing algebraic equations.

We have done some Christmas themed comprehension and reading in language. Also, we were learning about limericks and we created our own Christmas limericks.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we played some Christmas P.E games in teams.

In art we have been creating snowmen with oil pastels. We have been working on blending colours and shades to represent the reflection of light.