5.1.18 P6a

In science we started looking at the heart and lungs. We learned what everything is called and labelled diagrams.  There are four different chambers in the heart two on the left and two on the right. We watched a video about what happens inside both of the organs, it was very fascinating (a bit gross too!).

We used a map of Europe to plan our band’s tour. We choose four countries to travel to and we researched cities in those countries and found venues to perform at. It was really fun. We have planned our twenty four day tour and are visiting at least twelve cities/towns and having fifteen concerts. We are looking forward to starting out tour next week!

In P.E we started gymnastics. We chose our partners and made a routine out of balances and rolls. We showed them to each other and it was good fun.

Today in art we looked at Samuel Peploe and all of his amazing art work. We are working on still life art and have to create our own painting inspired by Samuel Peploe’s art work. We are hoping to show our parents these at our Scottish Open Afternoon.

We started to develop our knowledge of drug awareness. We learned that alcohol can affect your perception.