P6B Class Blog Friday 16th February 2018

Happy Chinese New Year! In class we were learning about Chinese New Year; how it is celebrated, traditions and the zodiac.  As it is the year of the dog we learnt how to make origami dogs and write our names in Chinese.

Today we wrote newspaper reports about the Winter Olympics. We looked at features of a newspaper report and gathered facts and relevant information about the Winter Olympics which we included in our reports.

In P.E this week we were developing our football skills with Mr. McMillan. We worked on developing our passing and dribbling skills.  The students from the high school took us over to their school on Thursday, they will be teaching us basketball skills for the next 6 weeks.

We had a qualifying tournament in our class in order to pick pupils who will represent the school at the council cross country event in Rouken Glen on Tuesday 27th February.  Alexander, Oscar, Millie and Mariyah will represent P6b.

In science we learnt more about the nose. We watched a video about the nose.  We then moved around stations where we had to identify the smells and guess what they were.  We had to describe what we though the smells were like.

The White group in maths have been continuing their work on BODMAS. The Orange group have been measuring angles up to 360 degrees using a protractor and the Yellow group have been working out the area and perimeter of compound shapes with missing/ unknown lengths.