P6B Class Blog Friday 8th December 2017

On Monday we went to the Baptist Church for an Advent Trail. We went with pupils from Isobel Mair too.  We had a quiz to start with.  We then went into groups and had different stations which we went round; one was an arts and crafts station, 3 story stations, a quiz/ snack station and a film station.

On Tuesday at P.E we played various games of boccia which had different rules and scoring systems. On Thursday with Mrs. McGreggor we played football and dodgeball.

We have been rehearsing with the nursery pupils for our visit to the Care Home next week. We will be performing Christmas songs, poems and readings.

In science we were writing our conclusion about solids dissolving in water.

In writing we wrote letters to Olaf from the film frozen. We wrote persuasive letters, urging him not to find out what summer is like!