School Improvement Priorities

In line with our local authority vision of Everyone Attaining, Everyone Achieving through Excellent Experiences, in Crookfur Primary School, we pursue the achievement of excellence in all aspects of our work.

We embrace the Values and Principles of Curriculum for Excellence to provide an education of the highest quality that will enable all young people to become: Successful Learners; Confident Individuals; Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors. We work to ensure we get it right for every child (GIRFEC) and that all children are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.

This will equip our learners with skills and attitudes for lifelong learning and will prepare them for life beyond school.

Our aspirational vision of Learning, Caring and Working Together To Be All We Can Be is supported by a number of strategies including the following:

  • Ensuring breadth and balance across the curriculum
  • Raising attainment through self-evaluation and improvement
  • Providing a quality learning environment which stimulates and motivates pupils
  • Supporting pupils by providing personal and social development and active health
  • Effective deployment of staff and resources as well as close partnership working between home, school and local community
  • Ensuring the development of excellence by fostering high quality leadership at all levels

In session 2022/23 our school improvement priorities are as follows:

  • Build leadership capacity at all levels, including amongst learners, fostering individual skills and talents to lead improvements and improve overall capacity
  • To become an assessment capable school community
  • To effectively meet learners’ needs through nurturing approaches and trauma informed practice

We will have a longer term approach to the following ongoing improvement areas:

  • Develop a consistent approach to the tracking of achievements across the school community to capture the impact and facilitate a robust system for monitoring.
  • Embed Forest Schools approach to outdoor learning
  • Continue to implement recommendations of review of 1+2 Languages Strategy
  • Continue to work in partnership with Active Schools, ER Culture and Leisure and Instrumental Music Service to ensure all children have high quality opportunities for achievement.
  • Implementation of Parental Involvement and Engagement Strategy
  • Strengthen role of Maths Champion in raising attainment in Numeracy and Mathematics

Please use the link  to access the family friendly version of our Standards and Quality Report 2021/22 and Improvement Priorities 2022/23

Alternatively, full versions of both documents can be accessed below:

Crookfur Primary Standards Quality June 2022


Please see below to see our Summarised Inspection Findings.

Crookfur Primary HMI

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