Category Archives: Achievement

Muddy Mile

A group of pupils, parents and staff participated in the Muddy Mile run on Sunday 20th March.  This event was inspired by our running club and Mr Neillie, the parent who runs this afterschool activity.  The Muddy Mile was great fun.  We had a few lost shoes in the mud pits but the sun was shining and everyone was smiling at the finish line.  We hope to make this an annual event, so we will send out more information early next year to allow more parents and pupils to join us.

Muddy Mile 1 Muddy Mile 2 Muddy Mile 3 Muddy Mile 4 Muddy Mile 5 Muddy Mile 6 Muddy Mile 7 Muddy Mile 8 Muddy Mile 9 Muddy Mile 10 Muddy Mile 11 Muddy Mile 12 Muddy Mile 13 Muddy Mile 14 Muddy Mile 15 Muddy Mile 16 Muddy Mile 17 Muddy Mile 18 Muddy Mile 19 Muddy Mile 20 Muddy Mile 21 Muddy Mile 23 Muddy Mile 24 Muddy Mile 25 Muddy Mile 26 Muddy Mile 27 Muddy Mile 28 Muddy Mile 29 Muddy Mile 30


Messibat Siddur

Messibat Siddur croppedWell done to all of our Pupils in Primary 3 for their recent performance at Messibat Siddur.  Pupils and staff worked extremely hard in the lead up to this, culminating in a wonderful celebration for all who attended.  The children are now enjoying using their new Siddurim for daily prayers and Kabbalat Shabbat.

Kosher Rap Competition


Our Primary 6 class are taking part in a Kosher Rap competition, where they have been tasked with recording their own rap video, based around something that they have been learning in school. This is a national competition, so we will be competing against other schools throughout the UK. If we are successful in winning this competition we will win the chance to record our song and film with a professional recording company. This is a great chance for our Primary 6 class, and also a great chance to raise the profile of our school and our Kodesh curriculum. Please take the time to visit to vote for our entry. If you click to watch the videos then you will see at the beginning of the video which one is the Calderwood Lodge entry. Please encourage as many of your friends and family as possible to do this, as some of the other schools that we are competing against have a much bigger role than ours, with more children and families to rely on for votes.


Nursery Graduation


It’s hard to believe that in just a few shorts weeks the pupils from our nursery will be getting ready to finish this part of their school journey with us.  Our Nursery Graduation this year will be held on Wednesday 17th June, starting at 9.10am.  Please join with us to celebrate the achievements of our boys and girls in the nursery.