Tag Archives: STEM

S1 Rapid Response Challenge

Our S1 students are taking part in the Rapid Response Challenge today.

Rapid Response is ideally suited to Curriculum for Excellence as an interdisciplinary project which challenges pupils to consider the importance of STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Students compete in groups of 6 completing a variety of problem-solving tasks including purifying water, building shelters and transporting water.

Here’s hoping the weather holds!





SmartSTEM Event

WellIMG_20150603_101904 done to all of the S4 girls who attended a female-only STEM event this week.

STEM – standing for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – encourages students to work together to solve problems. The SmartSTEM event, organised by SericSystems, had the girls learning about renewable energy, building obstacle courses and designing structures that could be used in offshore wind farms.


The girls were also inspired by Sarah Drummond, director of Snook, who presented her cyclehack idea; a truely inspiring day.

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