Tag Archives: S1

1st year

S1/S2 Italian Club

Do you fancy learning to speak Italian?
The Italian language club meets every Thursday lunchtime in the English Dept (Room 35)
If you are interested in Italian and want to learn a new language you are more than welcome to join us.
We will be learning Italian through a number of fun activities as well as talking about Italian culture and football,
watching some italian films and e ven trying some authentic italian food!
Hope to see you there
Miss Laitano and Mrs Jones!

S1 Parents/Carers

Please note the following dates for your diary:

Friday 25th January – Tracking Report
S1 Tracking Reports will be sent home so please check your child’s bag. The tracking report will score their effort, behaviour and homework across all subject areas.

Tuesday 29th January – Parents Evening
Your child will be issued with an appointment sheet which they will use to record appointments they make with each of their class teachers.

S1 – Geography Models

Some of our S1 Geography classes were asked to make a model of a place or feature from anywhere in the world. 

Students were to incorporate their name it their model as well.

The results were excellent and a big thank you to all the Mums & Dads, grans & papas who helped the class with their work.

*Please note clicking the above image will download an .mpg4 file to your computer.

John Muir Award – Parent Feedback

The John Muir Award was introduced as a pilot award this session and we are keen to gather the thoughts of all involved to help us improve the experience for future year groups.
We would be very grateful if you would take a couple of minutes to complete the following survey and tell us what you think.

Christmas Card Winner

Luke Wilson S1 was our winner in the ‘Design a Christmas Card’ competition held by the Art Department.  Luke’s design will now be made into a Christmas card which will be sent to supporters of Barrhead High School wishing them a peaceful Christmas.  Mr Sinclair was delighted with the number and quality of entries and is looking forward to making this an annual competition.