Tag Archives: Parents

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S3 Study Skills Event & Parent’s Information Evening

On the Thursday, 7th March all of our S3 students will be involved in a Preparing for Examinations Workshop.  The workshop will be presented by a company called Learning Performance and is aimed at increasing student confidence and preparedness for tests/assessments and examinations.  The workshop will be attended by all S3 students and will assist them in techniques such as mind-mapping, condensing and retaining information and various types of note-taking.

In addition we have arranged a Parental Information Evening on Tuesday, 26th March at 7pm in Ralston.  The evening will look to support parents with useful ideas and advice on how you can help your child prepare for assessments and examinations.  If you would like to attend the Parental Evening, then please download the attached letter and complete the tear-off slip.  This should then be returned to the the school office as soon as possible.

We hope all S3 students benefit from the workshop on the 7th March and look forward to meeting as many parents as possible on Tuesday, 26th March.

Additional Support Needs – Parents’ Forum

The schools within the the Barrhead Cluster are keen to create a forum for parents on topics related to additional support needs. These events will be held each term within one of the Barrhead schools and would only be available to parents who attend one of the Barrhead schools (including Carlibar Family Centre). We would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete our survey so we can ensure we are creating forums which parents may find useful.