Tag Archives: Mary’s Meals

World Porridge Day – Thurs, 10th Oct

Our Youth Achievement Award Group are organising a charity event to raise money for the charity, Mary’s Meals. The group are planning an event around ‘World Porridge Day‘ (Thursday, 10th October), which seeks to raise awareness of the hardships experienced by children in developing countries.

On Thursday, both students and staff will have a bowl of porridge to highlight the fact that for some children in developing countries that one bowl of porridge is the only meal they will get that day. All pupils who turn up on Thursday, before the start of the school day, to have a bowl of porridge will get a Merit.

In addition, several staff and students have agreed to take part in a sponsored activity – the ‘One Bowl Only’ Challenge. Those taking part have committed themselves to eating only one bowl of porridge on World Porridge Day.

If you would like to participate in the ‘One Bowl Only’ Challenge please see Miss Hunter for a sponsor sheet as soon as possible – the more people who participate the more money we can raise for Mary’s Meals!  If you’re not up for fasting, you can still come along to the canteen, before school starts, on Thursday morning to get a bowl of porridge.