Tag Archives: Book Group

Author Sophie McKenzie visits East Renfrewshire

On Thursday Barrhead High School Book Group members attended an event in Williamwood High School with international bestselling author Sophie McKenzie.

She talked about her books and the writing process and read from her new book ‘Split Second’.  We were able to ask lots of questions and then got the chance to meet her personally and get books signed.

Book Group meets in the Library every Wednesday at lunchtime. 

All year groups are welcome.

Book Group

Members of Barrhead High School Book Group recently took part in East Renfrewshire’s Carnegie 2013 quiz which was held in Mearns Castle High School.  Pupils from across the authority had read the eight short-listed books and then in teams answered questions.  Highlights of the morning included the ‘Dialogue Round’, when teams had to identify conversations from each book, and the ‘Character Round’, which involved librarians parading on the catwalk, dressed up as a character from the books. 

Barrhead pupils did very well, with Eilidh Weatherston and Robbie McLaughlin each winning a tagline competition and Aimee Long, Kirsty Robson and Megan Watson being in the team that came overall second.

Well done to all and many thanks to the school librarians for organising and to Mearns Castle for hosting this special event.

 Happy reading!