Do you enjoy your job? Would you like to help advise and inspire our pupils in achieving their dream job or career?
If so, we would be delighted if you could be part of our Careers Fair on Thursday, 17th November from 6.30pm.
We already have a number of representatives from Further and Higher Education attending, in addition to representatives from some national companies.
However, we would also love to have parents, carers or wider family members representing a variety of jobs on hand to answer questions from pupils.
If you would like to be part of this exciting event please contact Suzanne Wallace in the Pupil Support Department.
The S4 Supported Study Timetable has been published today.
Please encourage your son/daughter to attend as many of the supported study sessions as they can.
The study sessions will help prepare students for their prelim exams, which start on Monday 28th November 2016.
S4 students: the road to success starts here!
A reminder to all S1 parents:
All S1 students were recently issued with a parents’ night appointment sheet.
This letter can be downloaded here .
The S1 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday, 10th Nov from 4pm – 6.30pm.
Students should make individual appointments with each of their teachers.
We look forward to welcoming you on the evening.
We done to all S1 & S2 students who attended the Ghost Tour earlier this week. In addition, a massive well done to our S3 pupils who organised the tour in their drama classes, Miss Cunningham and Miss McMullen for assisting and to all the staff who helped on the night.
A reminder to all S5/S6 parents:
The S5/6 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday, 27th Oct from 4pm – 6.30pm.
Students are currently making appointments with their teachers and can do so up until 4pm on Thursday.
We look forward to welcoming you on the evening.
Barrhead High are celebrating Active Girls Day on Friday 28th October.
All girls have to come to school in their PE kit.
Girls should know their group before Friday.
You can follow all of the day’s activities on twitter. Please follow:
More information on our Family Cycling Festival can be found here .
All Parents, Pupils and Teachers are welcome to attend Dyslexia Scotland’s Open Meeting on Tuesday, 8th November from 7.15pm.
More information about the evening can be found in our flyer .
This week’s SCHOLAR online session will be:
Higher English Tuesday 25th October 6.00pm
Full details can be found on the SCHOLAR website:
If you missed our inaugural National 5 English session you can watch the recording here .
S2 pupils have also been working hard to create DIY volcanoes. This year saw some of our best ever entries; we had cakes, explosions and cross-sections!
All the volcanoes were of a very high standard and fitted the brief – to have the correct outer shape and colouring of a volcano, with some also showing the volcano’s inner structure.
A big thanks to all the mums, dads, carers, grans and papas for all their support (and putting up with the mess!)
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East Renfrewshire Council