S3 DOFE Expedition (Assessed)

The arrangements for the assessed DOFE expedition are:

  1. Students should meet at the Barrhead train station on Thursday, 16th May around 830am (we must catch the 8.56am train to Glasgow Central). ** Do not buy a ticket, these have been purchased for you!
  2. Students should make sure they follow the advice from the practice expedition: being ready to cook a substantial meal and bring your own rubbish bags so you can carry your rubbish home.
  3. Students should stay together when in their walking groups – as per advice from the practice expedition.
  4. The weather is looking better, tomorrow and Friday. Adjust the amount of clothes you bring, but also think about a hat to keep the sun off your face and neck, sun tan lotion, midge spray, midge net etc.
  5. Students should still be prepared for a rain shower or two. You’ll need a waterproof jacket and trousers and have a change of clothes for when you get to camp.
  6. We are hoping to be back at Barrhead train station by 3.30pm on Friday although this may be 4.30pm if we have to catch the later train. Students can be collected or dismissed from the train station. Follow our X (twitter) account for updates: @Barrhead_DOFE