S3 DOFE Parent/Carer Information Presentation

To all S3 Duke of Edinburgh students:

Our DOFE Parent & Carer Information Presentation will take place on Wednesday, 11th October @  6.45pm.

All students should have access to our S3 DOFE Google Classroom (GC), and the online meeting will take place using the posted link in the Google Classroom.

The main focus of the meeting is to familiarise parents/carers with the requirements of the Bronze DOFE Award, including costs and timescales.

It is imperative that students do not attend this meeting by themselves. Typically, students that are supported at home, and in school, go on to achieve the Bronze DOFE Award. We, therefore, request that students join the meeting accompanied with a parent or carer.

Still time to join

If any S3 student has not had a chance to sign-up for DOFE, they should see Mr Boag ASAP. All S3 students wishing to undertake DOFE this year should attend this meeting.

DOFE Twitter

For up-to-date information on the Bronze DOFE group, please follow us on twitter @Barrhead_DOFE.

As always, further information on completing DOFE can be found on the DOFE.org website: https://www.dofe.org/do/parents/