SQA Exams

SQAOur first SQA exams commence tomorrow (Wed 4th May) with Lifeskills Maths for some S5/6 pupils.

S4 will see their diet kick off with National 5 English on Thursday (5th May), which is also the day for Higher and Advanced Higher English.

We are then in to what will be a fairly intense exam period for some pupils, with in some cases an exam a day and even for some the possibility of 2 exams on the same day (Business Management & Computing).

I wish all our pupils well and trust that the efforts made in class, at home, through Supported Study and Easter School, will now pay off and everyone achieves what they have worked hard for.

Pupils have been issued with individual timetables. Pupils in S4 with 5+ National 5 exams and all pupils in S5/6 may use the time that they do not have exams to work from home with their parents’ permission. They have also been informed about additional support sessions, usually organised for the day preceding each exam, when staff will be timetabled to be available to offer additional help. Please encourage your young person to take advantage of these.

Other pupils in S4 will have been given an individual timetable with additional activities during this period.

Pupils should be in full uniform if they come into school throughout the exam period whether they are in for exams or in to seek additional help. In the latter case they must sign in at the school office so we know they are in the building.

Mr Sinclair