New School – ERC Statement

East Renfrewshire Council issued the statement below following the recent opinion by the Court of Session on Barrhead High School:

The council is extremely disappointed with the decision of the Court of Session.

We had decided to seek a legal opinion to clarify the Council’s ability to build the new Barrhead High School on the preferred site within Cowan Park.

The site chosen was assessed as being the logical choice as it was the location of the current Barrhead High School.  Plans were in place to make improvements to the park following the demolition of the existing school.

Since the publication of the opinion, we have taken legal advice and have already given instruction to lodge an appeal. A further legal route would be a Private Members Bill to the Scottish Parliament.  However, this is likely to take a significant length of time, in the region of 18 months.

We remain undeterred and committed to providing a new school for the children, young people and wider community of Barrhead as quickly as possible.

In parallel to lodging the appeal, officers are looking at alternative sites within Cowan Park and more widely in Barrhead.

We remain steadfast in our determination to deliver a new Barrhead High School and we will take every step to ensure this is realised.