Sorry I Can’t Be With You

Dear Boys and Girls,

I am so sorry that I can’t be with you this week.  I am really unwell with tonsillitis.  My doctor has given me antibiotics and a special spray to help the pain.  Mr Arbuckle has also been helping by giving me lots of ice cream!

I have emailed my plans to Mrs Noble, so that everything will continue as normal while I am at home.

I hope you have a great day on Friday!  Please post me your pictures on the Stream so that I can see them!

I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Lots of Love

Mrs Arbuckle x

Welcome to P2.6


Welcome to P2.6!  Things are a little bit different this year, but I aim to make it a good year!  It is unfortunate that we can’t meet in person, but we have to make certain that everyone is safe.

Should you need to be in touch with me, please email our school office and they will forward your email.  I can arrange a phone call with you to discuss matters.  I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Should I need to phone you, please note that the school number often appears on your screen as “blocked”.  If you are unavailable, I will leave a message on your voicemail.

If you have not done so already, please join our Google Classroom.  I will be posting a “Meet The Teacher” video there on Friday and a little powerpoint with an explanation about our class this year.

Thank you for all your support so far.  It is has been a very difficult time for everyone in an uncertain world.  All of the children have settled in very well, which is quite amazing, considering they have not been in school for such a long time.  Long may it continue!


Glow login!

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is safe and well. It is a difficult time for all of us and we are going to work as a team to overcome this virus pandemic.

Please login to Glow and access the Google Classroom tile to make sure it is working. I have sent invitations to all my pupils. Please accept the invitation. Glow login details are stapled on the front page of each child’s diary. If your child does not have Glow login details because of absences, please contact the school office to obtain them.

To access Glow:
Google “Glow” – click on “Glow rm unify” – put in your child’s username and password – tick the “remember me” box and click on the “save” option which should appear. (This will save you time having to do this every time you log on).  Don’t worry if it doesn’t appear! You will then see the “Launch Pad”, with a “Google Classroom” tile. Click on it and our class will appear. We have not started using the online learning scheme yet, but it is best to be prepared.

Please stay safe and healthy!

Mrs. Patra

Being germ safe!

We have been learning about the invisible germs in our hands and how we can be germ smart. We are taking great care of our hands by washing them with soap and water for 20 seconds. We are practicing to wash our hands now, before and after snacks or lunch or coming from the play ground or toilets. We designed posters on being germ smart, which was great fun!


Last Friday we had another visitor: Richard from RNLI (Royal National Lifeboats Institution). He told us about their organisation and how they save lives using the lifeboats. We were amazed to find out that all the members are volunteers, and in our eyes they were real life heroes. Richard also told us how we can be smart near water and what should we do if we see someone is drowning.

Turtles in trouble!

On Friday a lovely ranger from Whitelee Countryside came to visit us. She told us all about the leatherback turtles who are in trouble because of the rubbish thrown into the sea. We took part in a guessing game and were shocked to know that some rubbish like glass, plastics and tin cans take hundreds of years to disintegrate!

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