
Fairtrade Fortnight.

We have really enjoyed learning about Fairtrade. We listened well to the powerpoint telling us about Fairtrade and why it is a good idea to buy food with the Fairtrade logo.
We familiarised ourselves with the logo and went on a logo hunt in our classroom and the corridor. We thought we had found them all but Mrs Smith found one the next day stuck to the window!

We looked at different kinds of food we can buy with the Fairtrade logo and were super logo spotters, finding the logo on the packaging.

We also made rice krispie cakes with some Fairtrade chocolate – yummy!

Another activity we took part in was painting using Fairtrade coffee! Most of us did not like the smell of the coffee but we enjoyed using it as paint on our super absorbent watercolour paper. Some of us thought it looked like parchment from the Ancient Egyptians!

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