Well Hello Pine Class!!!
How are you all?
This week we are at PURPLE in our rainbow!!
Wonder what the Pine ladies have been up to and if they found any Purple??
- “Hi” Boyle!!! Nice sequins!
- Wilson’s wee bear is called Blueberry.
- WOW Jardine is strong!!!!!
- Aitken is doing some purple art.
So lets see what activities we can do around purple???
It is quite difficult to find a purple food but what about Blueberry Muffins?
Below are a few different recipes you might like to try – remember to send in some photos if you do!
Art and Science
Starry Night Glitter Jar
There is a link below of how to make one of these.
You can use a plastic bottle, if you don’t have clear glue that is fine – but don’t use white glue I made that mistake!!
The science bit it that the glue is thicker so the stars and glue take longer to fall – I have put clear glue on my shopping list this week so I can make another one!!
This is a link for a site that has a live webcam that shows the Northern Lights over Lapland – check it out!! Lights over Lapland
Other Art Activities
Pinterest have a lot of other ideas below there is a link to some cool ideas.
Numeracy Literacy
Get someone at home to write out the word Purple in big letters and then you can trace it with your finger or a pencil.
Lets go round your house and count how many purple things you can find? Jardine’s favourite colour is purple so bet she can find lots of things!!!
Even Butterflies!!
If you would like to make some purple or rainbow coloured rice for sensory play or tracing letter and numbers, I have popped in a link of how to do this. Colouring Rice
Music and Singing
If you haven’t seen it what about watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory OR Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
A funny scene is with rude Violet – I won’t spoil it!!
Violet Blows up like a Blueberry!
Or you could start reading the book.
It’s one of my favourites!!
Or a Story about Purple the Little Bird by Greg Foley
Some beautiful colours in nature these are two purple parrots posing in Vancouver Aquarium – how cool are they? You can check out their site and watch some of their webcams – remember they are 8 hours behind us! Vancouver Aquarium
Beautiful Emperor Butterflies Purple Butterflies
Why don’t you do an internet search and see if you can find any other purple animals?
Not to forget about the Wizard of Oz – Mickeys Clubhouse has a nice wee episode called: Wizard of Dizz
Willow the Bear
Hi Pine Class, how are you all?
Well myself and Heather have been doing some online shopping and getting some bit’n’pieces for our new flat – it is really exciting when things get delivered!! Heather says it’s not as exciting for her bank balance – whatever that means?? The postman rang the doorbell and delivered some lovely pictures – and I helped Heather get them on the wall. And then she took me for a walk to ASDA to get some food shopping, I travelled in her bag, because it was quite a long walk and had a wee bit of a sleep. She bought me a new pretty plant to sit on the window sill with me, it is a succulent – so it does not need very much water!! On Saturday Night we watched TV, it was Heather’s turn to pick, so we had to watch another 4 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy!!! I much prefer Frozen – but I suppose we need to take turns so Frozen next Saturday for the tenth time!! Have a great week Pine Class xx
Have a lovely week Pinettes
Love the Pine Ladies