Author: Mr McGurn

S2-S5 Options Process

At the end of this month our S2-S5 pupils will begin to finalise their options choices for next year. The guidance team have already discussed this process at PSE and each young person will have had the opportunity to explore potential career pathways using the My World of Work website.


The timetable for the options process is outlined below:

S3 Options w/b Monday 31 January

S4 Options w/b Monday 7 February

S5 Options w/b Monday 21 February

S2 Options w/b Monday 28 February


During these times each pupil will meet with their Guidance Teacher to discuss what they would like to choose to study the following year. The form issued in school will then be signed off by parents / carers at home and returned to school.


In order to assist you with this process, please visit the options choice section of our school blog via the Parents Zone tab or from the links below:




S4 & S5-


Here, you will find information booklets and a digital copy of the options form that will be issued to each young person. If you have any questions please contact your child’s Guidance Teacher.

Senior Phase January Assessments

As you will know, our Senior Phase Assessment Diet is scheduled to start on Monday 17th January. Class teachers have already informed pupils of their exam times and what to expect from each assessment, a copy of the timetable is available on each subject’s Teams page and has been emailed to all S4-6 pupils.

I have attached a PDF of this timetable below for your reference. Please take the time to read over it carefully and take note of the first page which outlines exam etiquette and expectations.

We wish all of our students the best of luck!


Jan 2022 Assessment Timetable

Art and Design Department Virtual Art Gallery

We are really excited to share the Art and Design Department’s virtual art exhibition featuring student work from the start of lockdown January 2021 until now! Art staff and pupils would be thrilled if you could take ten minutes to have a virtual walk round of the exhibition to see the fantastic level of talent and creativity of our young people.
If you double click on each picture it will tell you who created it.
Link below:
Have a lovely Christmas everyone!
Ms Lopez
PT of Art and Design

Senior Phase Assessment and S4 Parents Evening

Our Senior Phase January Assessment Calendar is now available to view (see below). The assessments will begin on 17th January and will end on 2nd February.

Jan 2022 Assessment Timetable


Our S4 Parents Evening will be held online. This will take place on January 11th from 5.30pm-7.30pm. Please see the attached letter that will be sent out to all S4 pupils at PLP tomorrow. The attached Parents Guide will also give you an overview of the software we are using. Our S5/6 Parents Evening using this format was very successful.


Parent Booking – Parent Guide

S5/6 Online Parents Evening- 14th December

Please find attached a digital copy of the letter that was issued to all S5/6 pupils at PLP today. The letter provides all of the essential information needed prior to our first online parents evening on December 14th.

I have also attached a ‘Parent’s User Guide’ from Parent Booking that should give you a comprehensive overview of the system. Appointments can be made from Tuesday 7th till Monday 13th December.

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th December.


Parent Booking – Parent Guide


Amazing Artists From Our S3 SLC Class

S3 pupils in the SLC at Robert Burns Academy recently created this amazing artwork of the main entrance of the Barony Campus.

Using a collage technique, pupils used different types of paper such as magazines, newspapers, and tissue paper to create some interesting textures and effects. They used paper straws to outline the building and to create a 3D illusion.

Here they are, proudly showing off their work to the Head of Campus Peter Gilchrist.

Cumnock Town Takeover

Our school is working in partnership with the National Gallery to support the Cumnock Town Takeover taking place in December. This project will see a celebration of street art and music.  Many of our S4-6 pupils have started working on this exciting initiative and we are looking to welcome new students from S1 – S5 to join. In order to take part you must complete the consent form at the link below. Please note transport will not be provided.

The sessions will take place

Tuesdays 4pm – 5.30pm at Barhill Community Education Centre, Bank Avenue, Cumnock, KA18 1PQ
Wednesdays at 4pm – 5.30pm at Yipworld, 19 Barrhill Rd, Cumnock KA18 1PG



SLC- Fundraising for Mary’s Meals Initiative

Pupils in the SLC are taking part in a sponsored walk on Friday 8th October to raise funds for the Jebbeh Kiazolu School in Liberia, Africa. All donations will go towards ensuring that every child in the school can receive a daily meal. Sponsorship forms have already been issued to pupils. Click on the following link to see more information about the initiative.

Covid-19 Testing Programme and Self Evaluation Procedures

As you know, we are currently in the middle of a week-long pilot programme with Public Health to conduct LFT Covid-19 testing on our campus.

We are encouraged by the high uptake from our young people so far. However, we politely remind all parents and carers that if their child is showing Covid symptoms they should immediately isolate and book a PCR test. The LFT testing in school is not appropriate for those already displaying Covid symptoms.

Please see the government guidance on this below.

We thank you for your support with this.