Sponsored walk – October 2022

As part of our commitment to Rights Respecting Schools, pupils and staff in the SLC completed another sponsored walk to Dumfries House on Friday 14th October to raise money for Jebbeh Kiazolu School in Liberia, Africa. We raised an amazing total of £561 and had great fun on the day! 

You can find out more about our partnership and fundraising efforts for Jebbeh Kiazolu School in our ‘Fundraising for Children’s Rights’ section below. 

SLC Foodbank

Pupils in the Supported Learning Centre at the Robert Burns Academy and Lochnorris Primary have been learning a lot recently about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Each month they have chosen a particular right to focus on and find out more about. In November and December they learned about Article 24, the right to good health, food and clean water. 
Pupils found out that some children in other countries, as well as in our country, are not accessing this very basic right to good food and nutrition. They decided to do something about it by raising money to help sponsor a school in Liberia so that pupils there could receive a decent meal every day at school. They also decided to start up a foodbank to support children in our own community who are facing hardship. Together the pupils in the Supported Learning Centre along with their teachers and parents donated several bags full of tinned vegetables, pasta, sugar, coffee and other items to support vulnerable families throughout the winter.
Well done SLC for the work that you are leading across the Barony Campus in support of children’s rights!