Our Curriculum

Pupils who attend the Supported Learning Centre at the Robert Burns Academy have opportunities to access all areas of the curriculum. In S1- S3 there are timetabled periods for Maths, Language, Creative Arts, Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, and Technologies. In the Senior Phase pupils have further opportunities to develop their Literacy and Numeracy skills, and to work towards National 2 and National 3 qualifications in a range of different subjects. Senior pupils also complete wider achievement qualifications such as the Duke of Edinburgh and Personal Development Awards. S5 and S6 pupils have the chance to attend Ayrshire College one day a week to study vocational courses and to develop valuable skills for life, learning and work. 
At all stages in the SLC curriculum there is a strong emphasis on Health and Wellbeing. Pupils have regular access to the PE and Home Economics facilities in the Barony Campus, and each class also has timetabled blocks of outdoor learning. This time is regularly used for working in the Polytunnel or in the SLC garden, and in various locations around the campus and in the local community.
SLC is a nurturing and Rights Respecting centre, therefore children’s rights are at the heart of all that we do, and the wellbeing and happiness of our young people always comes first. We place a huge amount of importance in every class snd in every lesson on building positive, trusting relationships,  treating each other with kindness and respect at all times, and celebrating each other’s differences. 
Every child is unique and we strive to ensure that each individual in SLC gets the right support and encouragement to develop their confidence, skills and talents to the full. Some of our young people have particular interests and abilities in certain areas, and may choose to pursue these by attending some mainstream classes at the Robert Burns Academy, supported by SLC staff. Other pupils follow individualised programmes within SLC, which are tailored to their needs and abilities.